Ethnic stereotypes and attitudes in student groups


  • Tamar Adeishvili Sokhumi State University



stereotypes, students, ethnicity, research, Bogardus scale, tolerance, indicator


The article reflects the ethnic stereotypes and attitudes of Georgian stu­dents. 122 students participated in the study. The research was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, a qualitative study was carried out, where in focus groups we tried to find out: 1. People of what nationality do students meet often in different places, such as on the street, at work, at university, in the neighborhood, etc. 2. What information did they have about their visit to Georgia? 3. How ethnic groups are perceived by students in Georgia by nationality. In the second stage, we studied students' attitudes towards ethnic groups. Bogardus' "Social Distance Scale" was chosen as the research tool, which allows the study of completely tolerant attitudes - completely intolerant attitudes.The results also showed that Georgian students had the highest acceptance and tolerance towards Europeans, Turks and blacks, while the lowest tolerance rates were found towards Indians and Iranians.


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