COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF SOKHUMI UNIVERSITY 2023-08-12T11:03:21+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>სოხუმის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიიტეტის შრომების</strong> <strong>XIX</strong> <strong>ტომში </strong>(<em>ჰუმანიტარულ და სოციალურ-პოლიტიკურ მეცნიერებათა მეცნიერებათა სერია</em>) წარმოდგენილია სამე­ცნიერო გამოკვლევები <em>ენათმეცნიერების, ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობის, ისტორიის, არ­ქეოლოგიის პოლიტოლოგიის, სოციოლოგიის, სამართალმცოდნეობის, განათლების მეცნიერებებისა </em>და <em>ფსიქოლოგიის </em>აქტუალურ პრობლემებზე. კრებული განკუთვნილია როგორც შესაბამისი დარგების სპეციალისტებისა და სტუდენტებისთვის, ასევე ფართო მკითხველი საზოგადოებისთვის.</p> Principles of linguistic analysis whilst working on a literary text 2023-08-04T10:10:58+00:00 Ira Danelia <p>Creations of great writers could, if properly treated, stimulate creativity of students and development of critical thinking in them; furthermore, master a language on a native-like level.&nbsp;A qualitative method for the mini-research was used, and the tool was a step-by-step oral survey of the students revealed that in many cases the analysis of the text by the students was exhausted. It was completed by indicating a violation of the grammatical, morphological, syntactic, phonetic, semantic norms in the text.&nbsp;It is important to stress that working on a literary text surprisingly (at University level), was and still is being taught reduced to retelling according to the teacher’s own words and translation of endless list of vocabulary.&nbsp;In this perspective we offer principles of the linguistic analysis while working on the fiction text. They are based on different strategies and methods of the researchers and experts about factors that contribute to effective teaching to obtain the great treasure of linguistic information containing a literary text.&nbsp;The aim of this paper is to present the methodological principles and the mandatory types of exercises which should be taken into account directly in the linguistic analysis of a literary text taking into account the stages of language teaching.&nbsp;The present article is concerned with the method of philological analysis which is innovative and universal method of teaching-learning process.&nbsp; It implies some organization of working on a literary text and offers a sequence of assignments of a complex nature at the appropriate stage.</p> 2023-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Aspects of Davit Maghradze's linguistic awareness 2023-08-04T10:30:43+00:00 Tamila Zviadadze <p>The language is full of indefinite possibilities of expression. The actua­lization of these possibilities is based on the talent of the Creator. Davit Maghradze is a creator distinguished by his ability to understand the native language world. The artistic-aesthetic or linguistic position of the poet is clearly evident in his poetic creations. Dato Maghradze linguistic style considers adequate use of language resources based on different parameters - At both the phonetic and lexical levels, resulting in specific combinations with contextual function and load;</p> <p>This article discusses the important aspects of linguistic awareness of Davit Maghradze's poem "Abundant Land", the facial components of the style: 1. Issues of poetic phonetics: artistic effect achieved by alliteration of consonants, based on the original use of the phonetic abilities of the Georgian language, harmonious harmonization of the meaning and sound of the word in the words presented as concepts, Revealing metaphorical meanings with phonologically sound lexical units; The amazing harmony of music and speech is a personal component of Dato Maghradze's poetry; 2. Incorporating words or expressions with foreign letters in a poem is a kind of linguistic strategy; 3. Sarcasm, irony - achieved by clichés, nuanced changes in the structural models of famous phrases or humorous rejection of proverbs, by replacing them with witty words, when so-called anti-expressions are created, the stylistic purpose of which is obvious; 4. A linguistic phenomenon of the word game, which is mostly carried out indirectly and creates a kind of implicit effect in the form of hints or allusions; 5. A rich vocabulary is used in the poem to highlight components, which also serves to create artistic or national look and reflects the tendencies of modern poetry.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The most important feature of Dato Maghradze's poetry is that all stories are based on one main idea, thought. The poet's worldview is manifested in the form of certain artistic means. The thoughts transformed into words go beyond the lexical meaning and become a metaphor, Metaphorical thinking indicates in-depth knowledge of language and intuitive ability</p> 2023-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Main Functions of the Passive Voice in the Text 2023-08-04T11:27:43+00:00 Ema Kilanava <p>The problem of the wide use of the passive constructions in modern English has been touched upon in the works of many authors as the passive voice is principally significant for the entire system of the English language as well as for the whole system of the English verb. The present article gives a critical survey of the linguistic literature on the functions of the passive voice and the&nbsp; causes predetermining the choice of the passive constructions in the text.</p> 2023-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 CONCEPT „DGHE“ (Day) IN KARTVELIAN LANGUAGES 2023-08-04T11:59:58+00:00 Marine Kakachia Ketevan Margiani <p>We have studied several concepts in order to find out what is common and different in Kartvelian linguistic data and how well they fit into a single lexical-semantic system. This time we studied the concept of the day in Svan and Megrelian-Laz. This concept is universal because it is present in any culture. It is an ancient concept of humanity, which reflects the basic characteristics of man, mind and intellectual abilities.&nbsp;„Day“ is defined in the dictionary of the Georgian language:</p> <ol> <li class="show">The period of time from sunrise to sunset, the time from dawn to dusk;</li> <li class="show">The period of time which contains 24 hours and which, as a calendar unit, has its name - day and night. there are seven days in a week;</li> <li class="show">Such a period of time or a part of it, which is intended for something // for any activity (for work, leisure ...);</li> <li class="show">Any number, date, month dedicated to any event - something remarkable day;</li> <li class="show">In figurative sense -. Life, being.The concept of day in Kartvelian includes various semantic poems, phraseologies, which show a person's attitude to time, its course, as well as life expectancy and his fate or misfortune. These ancient and important time-related lexemes use one root for word production in Georgian, Svan and Megrelian-Laz languages <strong>​​</strong><strong>(დღ) </strong>-დღა/დღე/დეღ (dgha/dghe/degh), from which the morphological-semantic indicators of lexical units obtained are completely identical in Kartvelian languages. These coincidences allow us to conclude that the concept “Day” reflects a unified system in Kartvelian.</li> </ol> 2023-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ethnolinguistics of the Dali (resp. Kodori) Gorge 2023-08-04T16:04:21+00:00 Ketevan Margiani <p>Ethnolinguistics of the Dali Gorge covers and integrates thematically&nbsp; key and kartvelologically topical&nbsp; themes such as the Bronze Age and Hellenistic archa-e­o­logical sites; history of Kodori Gorge; early medieval fortresses, sites of former churches, houses for&nbsp; prayers and Christian monuments; onomastics (toponymy, anthroponymy, theonymy, hydronymy, zoonymy) of Dali Gorge; Kodorian&nbsp; Svan speech (interference&nbsp; picture, ethnolinguistic aspects) ... Consequently, interest in the Kodori Gorge, or Dali country (as the travelers&nbsp; of early periods call it!) is multifaceted. Dali Gorge is a historical part of the West Georgia, Apkhazia. In the antique epoch it was called Mivsianeti or Misimianeti, in the middle ages&nbsp; - Dali Gorge, in XIX century – Tsebelda Dali Sabokaulo (the area controlled by a certain police department), in the Soviet epoch it was called Apkhazian Svaneti, and in&nbsp; XXI century – Upper Apkhazia. Such a variety of the names speaks for itself, of the importance and special role of this gorge in the history of Georgia. After well-known facts taken place in 2008, residents from Kodori live under refugee status in various regions of Georgia – Imereti, Kvemo Kartli, Svaneti, also Russian Federation and Europe… Discourse of Kodori residents is an interesting segment of Svan and generally Georgian dialectologic field; From 80s of last century to present we work with the residents of Dali Gorge for the purpose of collection and systematization of onomastic and ethnolinguistic materials. Svaneti of Dvali is situated on the southern flanks of Western Caucasus on the upper part of river Kodori Valley, at 70 km distance from the sources. From the north it is bordered by Autonomous Region of Karachy-Cherkess Republic. History of Dali Gorge is being lost in distant past. According to the conclusion made by archeologists, both ancient Stone Age and Bronze and following age archeological monuments are found in Kodori Gorge that stating that the region was settled there from early age; here is considered Tsebeldi culture and Post-Tsebeldi monuments of material culture (Japaridze 2009, pg. 650, Trapsh 1963, pg. 258); it is supposed that yet in the 3rd millennium B.C. through Kluchor pass regular relations used to be established among completely different ethnos, but in the epoch of mass movement of population – IV-VII cc. Kodori Gorge was one of the most important ways between Byzantine and Central Asia (Bondarev 1981, pg. 89).&nbsp; It is considered that due to very advantageous geographic location and strategic importance for centuries Dali Gorge had undergone many problems as a result of movement, or accommodation of persons and tribes that to some extent is reflected in the toponymy, existence, spiritual and material culture of this region. Out of sacred places of Dali Gorge, among Christian monuments and church ruins special importance is drawn to: X century’s Shikeri St. George Church at the sources of Kodori in Omarishara; Azhara St. George Church; Nalkhvami; ruins in the proximity of Kluchor pass in Sakeni, Chkhalta and Latash that according to the awareness of local residents had to be basilica type church ruins that are considered as sacred places. Chkhalta St. George Church is constructed on adjacent Chikhari/Chikharisi territory of Misimians’ main historical fortress; Svan Discourse of Dali Gorge is famous with its interference. It is very interesting segment of Georgian dialectological field; It is well known standpoint that it is impossible to study history, past and language of people without toponymy. Indeed, toponymy is called as a “language of earth”, because in the event of “beginning to speak” it is impossible to let out many secrets…&nbsp; (Tskhadaia&nbsp; 2007: 5). Many famous researchers or kartvelologists got interested in Svan toponymy. Significant conclusions are also made as a result of study and research: analysis of toponymical material of Svaneti and its adjacent territories is clearly stated by the references of ancient Greek historian Strabo. In the toponymy of racha-Lechkhumi, Upper Svaneti and mountainous Samegrelo is obviously found the sign of Svan language meaning that once this territory was inhabited by Svans. Similar track is also found on the land of northern Caucasus. It is stated by that toponyms: Khumar (comp.­Tskhumari),Ushkalan (comp. Ushkul) andothers…­(Chumbu­rid­ze,­ 2007­:­ 34); (Lavrov,1956: 78). Microtoponimy of Dali Gorge is characterized by the abundance of environment describing terms. The Geographical phenomena and lexemes, such as – ravine, gorge, rock, the places where there used to be towers there, lake, mountain, brook, pass, hill, hillock, knoll, grassland, tower, cliff, slope, risen river, landslip, waterfall, mountain top… Including morphemoids – down, downwards, up, upward, eastern-western... Out of toponymys of Dali Gorge in the “Census of Kingdom of Georgia” written by Vakhushti Bagrationi in the 18th century we find Kodori as hydronym… It is very important fact that in order to note Svans’ tribe the term Svani for the first time was mentioned by Strabo under the transcription Soan in the first century. Many Georgian or foreign researchers used to relate Svaneti etimologically to abbey (Savane): Svaneti &lt; Savane. Thus, Kodorian&nbsp; Svan Discourse of Dali Gorge has interferential nature. Here is revealed mutual influence of&nbsp; Svan&nbsp; Upper Bal&nbsp; and&nbsp; Lower Bal&nbsp; dialects on all levels of lingual hierarchy – in phonetics, morphology and syntax. Now we paid attention on the declination of names/nouns, namely on ergatives. At the next stage of our study under the basis of complete procession and analyzing ofmaterial will be revealed as to how this interference provides basis for the separation of Kodorian&nbsp; Discourse as a separate dialect. According to the ethnolinguistic and linguoculturological standpoint it is very interesting that lingual variety, diversity, completely different chronology of term and various lingual lineage is noteworthy for the toponymy of Dali Gorge; The gorge enjoys the most advantageous geographical location&nbsp; - Klukhori, Naharvi, Marukhi - Dali Gorge is the shortest way that connects the seaside region of the West Georgia with the North Caucasus. That explains special importance and strategic functions assigned to this territory in every historical epoch. Toponymy of Dali’s Gorge is characterized by lingual diversity and absolutely different chronology of designation. Kodori Gorge toponyms mentioned in antique period and middle centuries sources (Pusta,Chikhari/Chkhalta, Lagvana, Shekeri/Shikeri, Bokeri/-Bikeri…) are basically of Svan origin.&nbsp; The main characteristic of Dali Gorge modern toponymy is its lingual diversity: Names of several summer pastures, mountains, villages and rivers (Armua, Achara, Adzgara, Soipsara.. ) are of Abkhazian origin, whe­reas names of most villages and passes, the whole microtoponymy, most hydronyms, drimonyms (names of forests) and oikonyms (Gentsish, Naharv, Kodor, Khuarash, Lata, Saken, Altsunesga, Gvandrala, Saknara...) are basically of Svan origin.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Megrelian, Russian and other names of uncertain etymology within Dali Gorge Geographical nomenclature are met very rarely. Microtoponymy of Dali Gorge is known by the abundance and variety of the terms of landscape and natural geo­g­ra­phic environment. Study of onomastic, folk and linguistic materials of Dali Gorge in general Ge­o­rgian dialectological field under ethnolinguistic, interferential, lingu­o­cu­lturological aspects enables us to have made quite interesting conclusions.</p> 2023-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 For some farming terms related to the shrine in Megrul-Lazuri 2023-08-05T07:45:38+00:00 Nino Mashia <p>In Samegrelo-Lazeti there are lots of rituals associated with the activities that were held at different times:<em>Shkvituli dgha</em> (seven days) - the ritual <em>after the settlement .</em><em> boriash okhvamer</em> - The good work for the protection ofcorn maize wind. <em>Nedish tasua</em> (walnut seed) - was carried out for the abundance of yield. <em>dzivaoba - is a rhythm of</em> drought. This name is also known for&nbsp; the&nbsp; inhabitants&nbsp; of&nbsp; Abkhazia. <em>dzivava</em> does&nbsp;&nbsp; semantikitaa used <em>dzvabra gonja , dzivou . kokhinjoba</em><strong> - </strong>a ritual dedicated to the rain goddess. <em>aguna is a</em> fertility, har­vest, fertility god. <em>Katush inokirafa - a</em> pagan ritual on the drought before the river&nbsp; to&nbsp;&nbsp; be&nbsp;&nbsp; angry&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; raining; For&nbsp;&nbsp; this&nbsp;&nbsp; purpose,&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; ri­tu­al <em>och­vimafari was</em> also performed (rain ritual). All prayers are called in Megrelian and Laz <em>khvama.</em> God offering wine, bread, sla­ughter, honey and candle <em>okhvameri</em> term called. The anylysis provd that Georgian –Megrelian- Laz material is basically Georgian. The diffence appeared later. Laz language because of widely known reasons was more de­ve­loped.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Neologisms as a Driving Force for the Development of Lexis in the German Language 2023-08-05T07:59:40+00:00 Irina Kruashvili <p>Quick scientific and technological progress has caused major changes in the lexical stores of languages. The aim of the present article is to find out, what changes occur in the German lexicon against the background of the scientific or technological achievements, how the last events are reflected in neologisms, how neologisms are born and what sorts of neologisms are abundant in the modern German language. We use several methods for the research, namely, descriptive method, method of immediate constituents and method of substitution. The article analyses neologisms of the modern German language according to the way of nascence and semantic parameters. New words are discussed which have arisen during the corona pandemic. Due to the research there has been elucidated that in the newest tendencies of the modern German language there is clearly revealed the influence of neologisms. The greatest share among the mentioned neologisms is made by nouns that denote objects of phenomena important for the society. Composite models are very productive, namely, determinative composites consisting of two immediate constituents. Next in frequency come composites with three members. There also occur composites consisting of four immediate constituents. Word bu­i­l­ding constructions, where one or two direct constituents are represented by English words, are frequent, too, and certain neologisms are borrowed from the English as completely ready-made words. In terms of frequency, the next place is occupied by adjectives, and verbs are the ones that occur least frequently.&nbsp; In terms of semantics, there occur the different word-building meanings.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Lexical-semantic Features of English Capitonyms 2023-08-05T08:11:05+00:00 Manana Shelia <p>Each word exhibits different forms, nature, elements and meanings and have specific features. Modern English is characterized by a significant nu­mber of homonyms, compared to other languages. Homonymy in English appe­a­red as a result of the mixing of languages. The main reasons for homonymy in the language are &nbsp;loan words from other languages. The problem of homonymy is widely developed. For years many linguists have been studied the phenomenon of homonyms and attempted to classify English ho­mo­nymous words. There are several classifications of homonyms made by famous linguists such as Arakin, Arnold, Lyons, Skeet and others attempted to define homonymy and classify ho­monyms in English language. Homonyms of the English language have different grammatical forms, and may also have the same sound or spelling. The present paper touches upon the phenomenon of English homonyms and their classification considered by A. Smirnitsky.&nbsp; It mainly considers the problem of capitonyms in Modern English. The paper may be interesting to students who are interested in learning English and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; in general will help everyone better understand the homonymy, pa­r­ticularly capitonyms of the English language. They are a subset of homonyms - words with the same spelling but different meanings.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Strategies for teaching business writing in higher education (on English language material) 2023-08-05T08:22:31+00:00 Tamar Jojua Maia Daraselia <p>The global social and economic changes have intensified the close personal and business contacts between the representatives of different countries. In today’s world the number of people who are traveling abroad on private or business issues are growing. Accordingly, it is not surprising, that&nbsp; there is a pressing need for such employees who with their high professional skills can communicate fluently in English. In today’s competitive job market one of must-have Skills is undoubtedly, the effective skill for business correspondence.&nbsp; All types of business correspondence-letters, email messages, faxes, memos, CVs, resumes, reports, minutes and many other documents must be tailored in a pro­ficient, comprehensive, and informative way.In the process of formation professionally oriented foreign language skills it is necessary, that teaching process should be based on really motivating, interesting and stimulating activities. The article gives the detailed analysis of the role and importance of modern teaching approaches (Task-based and student-oriented) and stra­te­gies in the process of teaching business writing to EFL students. Some models of&nbsp;&nbsp; professionally oriented techniques and drills are illustrated in the given article.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Impact of Communicative Approach to Grammar Teaching on EFL University Students’ Grammatical Knowledge and Oral Communication Ability (A Case of Georgian University) 2023-08-05T08:38:42+00:00 Nino Tsulaia <p>Teaching grammar to students in a traditional approach does not help them use the language they have learned to communicate in real-life situations. The present study aims to investigate whether the communicative approach to grammar teaching has an impact on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) University students’ grammatical kno­wledge and oral communication ability. A quantitative approach was applied to the study. The sample of the study comprised 20 students.&nbsp; Data was gathered through the experiment pre- and post-test cycles. The results of the instruction showed significant success in stu­dents’ development of both grammatical competence and oral communication skill. The survey findings highlighted positive attitudes from the students taught with a new approach.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Conferences, Forums and Symposiums 2023-08-12T11:03:21+00:00 Sokhumi State University <p>International, national and university conferences held by Sokhumi State University in 2020-2021</p> 2023-08-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Challenge of the Modern World New Corona Virus and Pandemics in Feudal Georgia - Review of Zaal Kourtua's Work 2023-08-07T22:00:59+00:00 Omar Ardashelia <p>The article is of a historiographic nature and is a review of the work of Professor Zaal Kortua from Shota Meskhia State University: "For the study of the history of diseases in feudal Georgia". The author of the review discusses the challenges of the modern world in the new coronavirus sit­u­a­tion and the Georgian researcher's interest in similar pandemics and epidemics in feudal Georgia.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Challenges of teaching with technology in higher education and ideas of the EU project DITECH" 2023-08-07T22:10:29+00:00 Lia Akhaladze Tamar Shinjiashvili Nino Tsulaia Levan Kvaratskhelia <p>EU <em>Erasmus+</em> educational projects have been helping to modernize Uni­­ve­r­sity education, innovate and create the resources needed to meet the cha­llenges of our education space for years. Following the spread of the new co­ro­navirus COVID 19, the EU funded the project "Technology Enhanced Tea-ching and Lea­r­ning in Georgian Universities" developed by Georgian universities and sub­mitted for com­pe­tition by Tallinn University. The project should become one of the im­po­rtant mechanisms for overcoming the challenges and threats created in the new situation. Its goal is to improve the quality of higher education through the de­ve­lopment and introduction of technology-enhanced teaching-learning in Georgian universities. <em>Aim of the research:</em> Problems created on the basis of the new coronavirus CO­VID 19 in Georgian universities and identification of mechanisms to overcome them based on the concept of the EU project DITECH.<em>&nbsp;</em><em>Research Methods and Instruments:</em> Qualitative and quantitative research me­t­hods are used in the research process: Identify problems in the online learning process after COVID 19 in Georgian universities using a survey method; Based on the documentary research, the concept of the EU educational project <em>DITECH </em>was analyzed; <em>Research results:</em> During the pandemic, a number of problems were identified in uni­versities: the threat of full implementation of the educational process, the transition to the online educational process and the lack of experience in the use of online platforms in the educational process; the problem of placing learning resources on online platforms, limited access of students to them; creating online learning resources and increasing accessibility for students; validity of student knowledge assessment: the problem of homework, intermediate and final asse­ss­ments, mechanisms for correct assessment of student knowledge; question marks in the possibilities of conducting laboratory trainings on the online platform and many other problems accompanying the learning process; Based on the study of the work performed on the basis of the project <em>DITECH</em> concept and the analysis of the data obtained as a result of the research, the existing problem-solving mechanisms were identified. The concept is directly in line with the challenges posed by the COVID 19 pandemic in Georgian universities and is one of the most important mechanisms for overcoming them. Based on the results of the first working year, syllabi developed for the unde­r­g­ra­duate and graduate levels within the project are ready for piloting in the university field, with relevant learning outcomes, methods, assessment systems and teaching topics. Learning resources with exercises and cases are created for each topic pre­se­nted in the syllabus; from the next semester it is planned to pilot not only the acqu­ired knowledge and created materials in programs, but also to disseminate them in the form of trainings and seminars to the academic staff and teachers; The results of the project <em>DITECH</em> will help reduce the challenges and threats ide­n­ti­fied through research in universities: adapting the work of academic staff and stu-dents to online learning platforms, developing digital skills, increasing the int­ro­duction of new technologies and online learning opportunities in Georgian uni­versities.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Reflecting the Areopagitic concept of the evil and the good in Romanticism and in the Previous Literature 2023-08-05T08:48:05+00:00 Tamar Akhalkatsi <p>The represented work refers to how the areopagetic concept of the good and the evil is reflected in the Georgian romantic poetry and the Old Georgian literature. This theme is discussed at the background of the poetic heritage of the Georgian poets Al. Chavchavadze, Gr. Orbeliani and N. Baratashvili. The aim of the research work is to analyze the data concerning the reflections and receptions of the interrelations of such notions as the evil and the good evidenced in the Georgian literature of the mentioned period and even earlier. What is the essence of the evil and the good as seen from the view of the Georgian romanticism poetry and what the traditional understanding of the problem is?&nbsp; It is necessary to determine the interrelations between the good and the evil in general, in order to understand deeply the poetic ideas of the mentioned period of Georgian literature. The influence of the areopagitic ideas on the Georgian poetic thinking is obvious beginning from the time when the Georgian scholar Ephrem Mtsire translated the Areopagite philosophical works into Georgian. The romantic understanding of the ideas of good and evil needs to be thoroughly studied as the poets of the romanticism in the Georgian poetry created the ideal world in their imagination and they were trying to make those ideas and understanding rooted in the real life. One of the most important rings in the chain of the romantic ideas about the idealistic universe is the divine good, the lack of which produces the evil. The results of our research allowed us to conclude the following: 1.The understanding of the ideas of the good and the evil in the Georgian poetry is usually based on the areopagitic concepts. It is possible the poets of the romanticism were not familiar with the areopagitic philosophy but those ideas were traditional for them rooted in the Georgian literature by the epoch of renaissance. 2. For the poets of romanticism the good meant the freedom, freedom of the State as well as the personal freedom and restraining the freedom meant declining from thee good. Lack of good gave birth to the evil which became the basis for all kinds of disruptions – disruption of the State and of the person. 3. In the concept of romanticism the evil is very long-lasted phenomenon; as for the good it is very short-time, it is characterized as “being only for a moment”. Such perceptions of the phenomena of the good and the evil are conditioned by spiritual dissatisfaction and disruption among the whole nation. Several researching methods are used in the&nbsp; analysis given in our work; these methods are: analytical, synthesis, abstraction, observation. Complex using of the mentioned methods enables us to analyze our problematic thoroughly. In order to make our researches of the romanticism and areopagitic insertions and reminiscences more clear, we used the historical- comparative methods which enabled us to provide deep analytical research of the historical roots of the Georgian romanticism poetry.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Alexander Orbeliani’s Verses 2023-08-05T09:00:50+00:00 Nino Vakhania <p>Alexander Orbeliani, romanticist writer,&nbsp; poetic, published, ma­nu­s­cripts Alexander Orbeliani’s verses are not distinguished with high artistic value. Poe­tically more than consideration he could better write prosaically. Despite of aforesaid his verses have certain significance and have their place in the history of Georgian literature. So,none of the explorers’ of Georgian writing can avoid these verses. In the poetic heritage of romanticist writer is indicated that sorrow caused due to the loss of homeland („Mtovare“). Sorrow and grief is more perfectly and boldly shown in the works written during migration (exile). We find amorous ver­ses that fascinatingly express Georgian nature… Alexander Orbeliani dedicated his verse to Shota Rustaveli, the meter of Geo­r­gian poetry. Eulogy is applied on King Erekle in the verse „Epitaph“. There is even expressed so called „World Grief“. According to the verses is found sincere voice of creator, who firstly idolized his land. As Akaki Tsereteli used to state, he „differently loved Georgia“. All verses are not yet published, manuscripts are kept in personal fund. Out of literary heritage of Alexander Orbeliani more noteworthy are prosaic works, though no less interesting are his verses. Among them, to my mind some are out­standing, perfect examples of Georgian romantic poetry.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Thomas Stearns Eliot, „The Waste Land“ – Biblical-Mythological Allusions (Translator – Otar Chkheidze) 2023-08-05T09:12:55+00:00 Nana Kutsia Miranda Todua <p>The style and tone of Thomas Stearns Eliot were so new that the author did not manage to get anything published until 1915. True poetry, Eliot thought, is impersonal. The poet`s mind is a catalyst which causes disparate elements of experience to fuse into new wholes. Eliots first volume of criti­c­ism „The Sacred Wood“ (1920) though it infuriated co­nservative critics, became su­ddenly influential and his poem, „The Waste Land“ (1922) made him famous. The poem potrayed the desiccation of modern civilization by means of a ka­le­i-doscopic use of symbolic imagery, biblical and mythological allusions, and a care­fu­lly organized system of references to a variety of myths and literary works, both occi­dental and oriental. Eliot`s great achievement was to create rythms and images corresponding to the tensions and stresses of modern urban life. Eliot`s poetry makes a great demand on the reader`s education, on his capacity to understand the complex allusions, li­te­ra­ry, phi­lo­sophical, mythological, that characterize the poet`s verse. There are Georgian tran­sl­ations of „The Waste Land“ by Zviad Gamsakhurdia, Medea Zaalishvili, Zviad Ratiani, Gri­gol (Gia) Jokhadze and Otar Chkheidze. We have studied translation of Otar Chkhei­dze, one of the most important and interesting representatives of modern Geo­r­gian literature. By the way of rendering the working of the poem`s characters`s minds the translator introduced the so-called stream-of-consciousness teqnique recording the flow of their thoughts and sensations with all complex associations attached to them. The author and the translator reflect the chaos of existence. The poem remains a highly subjective epic of futility whose extreme naturalism is blended with symbolism in Georgian translation as well as in original.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Artistic and Metaphoric Symbolism of a Lion 2023-08-05T09:24:48+00:00 Miranda Todua Nona Ketsbaia <p>A symbol from one point includes an information, knowledge about any person, group. Subject or institution, from the other, it brings an emotion. Any action of a person, his/her point of view, idea or belief is expressed by the symbols. One of the ancient symbols is a Lion. Allegorically it is interpreted as strong, brave, fearless. From the root LOM/ლომ a lot of names have been originated. A lion, as one of the components, is actively used in idioms, phrases and collocations. Lomi/ლომი“ – a lion is frequently used in proverbs. In Georgian, a personal name Levan is formed as Leon, which means a lion. A lion was perceived as an animal of a divine meaning, and the color of its coat connected it with the sun. In the temples of the Near East, an image of a lion dominates, which resembles to the fixed image themes of a lion, for the same period Georgia. A lion, distributed in the pagan period Georgia as a Christian Symbol, is connected to its strong roots and it is also expressed in the new religion. It is also shown in the ceaseless themes of a lion in the pagan and epichristian periods. A metaphor of a lion is interestingly expressed in the ecclesiastic literature. In some casesiut is a metaphor of the Christ (eg.: dormiation of a lion means the death of a human nature of the Christ), and sometimes it expresses an evil’s power. In hagiography mostly is met an example while the impact of an Ascetic wildest and horrible beast – a „Lion“. When talking about these facts the hagiographists are guided by a certain tendencies. With these facts they wanted to show the greatness of Christian moral, as though the bearers of which had an influence on the beasts.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The problem of happiness in Niko Samadashvili's poetry 2023-08-05T09:52:59+00:00 Luara Sordia <p>The guarantee to stay forever in the memory of his descendants, ac­hieving happiness, perfect existence for Niko Samadashvili was not to achieve pragmatic goals, material security, not possession of gold and silver, but to serve the sublime human ideals, the search and capture of „words from pure gold“, the receipt of spiritual treasures. The poet, who had not a penny behind him, believed that despite the physical death, the creators rise from the dead, like the birds of the Phoenix in a fairy tale, and become the ideals of generations. It is with this faith that his unique masterpieces were created.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Reminiscences of Rabindranath Tagore in the poems of Niko Samadashvili 2023-08-05T10:05:08+00:00 Luara Sordia <p>Niko Samadashvili was profoundly familiar with Eastern religions, phi­lo­sop­hy, literature, as well as Western spiritual culture, like Tagore, representative of Indian modernism and Renaissance - with the Western religious culture. They favored the faith; their religious symbolism and aesthetic ideals were the very same. They sought torrential roads, conquering shortness through the service of divine, eternal wisdom, believing in happiness not in the pursuit of pragmatic material wealth but in the service of high morality, divine ideals and universal truth.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 „Ethnicity, Nationality, Origin of the Nation ...“ 2023-08-05T10:22:55+00:00 Aza Kadaria <p>The article „Ethnicity, Nationality, Origin of the Nation ...“ refers to one of Ilia’sletters „Ireland and England - a historical-economic essay“ (Ilia Chavchavadze, Vol. IX, „Letters on Abroad“, p. 9-46; Georgian SSR State Publishing House, Tbilisi, 1957). This extensivestudy was published in the Iverianewspaper in 1886, №№67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76. Here Chavchavadze discusses Ireland and England and a little bit Scotland as well. Ilia tries to explain the long process of which Ireland faced before it was conquered by Great Britain. Ilia Chavchavadze characterizes traditionally established rules of social behavior of Irish landowners and situation in general after Great Britain took control over Ireland. Ilia's article clearly shows how England took away the Irish lands handed it over to its nobles. This caused a large emigration of Irishmen abroad to save themselves and their families, while the rest almost starved to death.Mishaps somehow made Irish con­so­lidated and they engaged in battle.They often failed, but they never gave up and continued their fights no matter what. The battle for independence was led by the greatest sons.Progressive part of England was fiercely demanding for changes. The necessity of radical changes towards Ireland was the main call for the government. Parliamentarian Gladstone was one of them, Ilia Chavchavadze especially admired him. In my letter Ilia’s thoughts&nbsp; are briefly described regarding this issue.There is a&nbsp; par­a­llel between situation inGeorgia ( in times of Russian Empire).&nbsp; Here is clearly shown Ilia Chavchavdze’s main thoughts of Georgia in times before becoming a part of Empire and after it. The new rules which came after clearly ruined the plot of independence. The letter emphasizes that all of Ilia's articles, which were dedicated to the struggle of other nations for independence, served a single purpose: to keep an eye on the society and to show that conscious nations are fighting to restore their supremacy, to regain their own statehood.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Prophetism and Enigma in the Proverbs of Zviad Gamsakhurdia 2023-08-05T10:35:21+00:00 Nana Kiria <p>The aim of the research is to critically analyze the proverbs of the great Georgian figure, thinker and writer Zviad Gamsakhurdia, in particular, fables (from a prophetic and enigmatic point of view). The research method is comparative. In comparison, the merits and weaknesses of Gamsakhurdia's works can be clearly seen, more - the first. The result of the research<strong> - </strong>Zviad Gamsakhurdia's fables are not distinguished by epicness and greatness, but contain the key to the essential ideas and principles of the writer's life. Zviad Gamsakhurdia's fables are lexically and thematically modernized and it should have been, but he carefully defends fable-Arak moderation and ideas. A proper understanding of his creativity requires an accurate understanding of in-depth semantics and stylistic features. Without freedom one cannot understand the irrationality of the existence of evil in the divine world. Freedom is not created because it is not nature, freedom precedes the universe.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Modern Georgian national identity and formation of a political nation 2023-08-07T12:14:45+00:00 Guram Abesadze Nodar Abesadze <p>&nbsp;In the present scientific work, the modern Georgian national identity and the problem of the formation of a political nation are studied. During the research, the comparative research method, the spatial and temporal analysis of the systemic and structural-functional and political situation is mainly used. The modern world order has made the formation of national identity a topical issue. Modern Georgian identity is undergoing a transformation according to the new time. The role of national identity is particularly important in the political transition. It is a dimensional criterion of modern Georgian statehood. The most important condition for a modern democratic transition is the formation of a political nation. Georgian political space is polarized, which hinders the formation of a political nation. State consciousness must become a characteristic feature of the nation. Achieving national consolidation and integration remains a problem. A special role in the formation of a political nation is played by the actors of the political space. The formation of a consolidated democracy depends on their political culture and intellect. In the conditions of political polarization and institutional vacuum, the Georgian Orthodox Church has a clear position; Its functions in the political space are growing even more.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Peculiarities of interpersonal relationships with students in the process of distance learning 2023-08-07T14:13:09+00:00 Tamar Adeishvili <p>In the modern psychological literature, interpersonal relationships are co­n­si­dered as the most effective means of communication that creates a necessary condition for the development of each student. However, at the current stage, when the global pandemic swept through, the healthcare organization imposed certain restrictions and regulations, including the need to move to distance learning, which had some impact on student interpersonal relationships. Based on the above, the aim of the study was to empirically study interpersonal rela­tion­ships in the distance learning process in student groups. We selected the Timothy Lear Interpersonal Relationship Test to identify the form of relationship in student groups. A total of 160 students were interviewed, including 80 first- and second-year students, and 80 third- and fourth-year students.High scores with freshmen and sophomores were revealed on the scale of attitude, obedience and cooperation. Which indicates that on the one hand they have a need to get help from those around them, to earn the trust, as well as to gain recognition. A low rate was found on the aggression scale. In the third-fourth year students, the first place is occupied by authoritarian relations, while the second place is occupied by high responsibility and generosity, or expressive willingness to help others. In the last place is a form of relationship such as indicators of subordination (moderate, shy) and aggression. In conclusion, we can say that different forms of relationships have been identified between first- and second-year students and third- and fourth-year students, which may be the result of some distance learning.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ethnic stereotypes and attitudes in student groups 2023-08-07T14:39:28+00:00 Tamar Adeishvili <p>The article reflects the ethnic stereotypes and attitudes of Georgian stu­dents. 122 students participated in the study. The research was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, a qualitative study was carried out, where in focus groups we tried to find out: 1. People of what nationality do students meet often in different places, such as on the street, at work, at university, in the neighborhood, etc. 2. What information did they have about their visit to Georgia? 3. How ethnic groups are perceived by students in Georgia by nationality. In the second stage, we studied students' attitudes towards ethnic groups. Bogardus' "Social Distance Scale" was chosen as the research tool, which allows the study of completely tolerant attitudes - completely intolerant attitudes.The results also showed that Georgian students had the highest acceptance and tolerance towards Europeans, Turks and blacks, while the lowest tolerance rates were found towards Indians and Iranians.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 “Philosophical Way of Living” as a Characteristic of Human Culture (According to Karl Jaspers’ “Introduction to Philosophy”) 2023-08-07T14:51:11+00:00 Khatuna Amaglobeli <p>The article revolves around one of the most significant problems of human existence: comprehending those cultural practices that define individual lives. Analysis is based on the close examination of specific concepts introduced by Karl Jaspers, a German psychiatrist and philosopher and an author of “The Axial Age” of culture. Jaspers maintains that only philosophy as an individual attempt to find the truth gives a person a chance to “become a human” on the one hand and to live according to the principle of “standing on the road” on the other hand, the latter constituting one of the most important means to culturally construe and reconstrue the truth, to interpret, understand, and comprehend the world.Jaspers’ views on human nature are interesting and noteworthy as the concept of “standing on the road” as a manifestation of active thinking also refers to the reflexion on active thinking.&nbsp; A person who tries to discover and mould himself/herself becomes one with the truth. By incessantly developing himself/herself, an individual grants a cultural value to the surrounding environment.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Towards a New Modern Ulrich Beck's Views on the Transformation of Modern Society 2023-08-07T15:18:42+00:00 Shorena Kortava <p>A modern German sociologist investigated the transformation of mo­dern society. He took the post-war era of the twentieth century as an indicator of mea­su­rement. Ulrikh beck writes that the reason for the transformation of society was the increase in the time that was reduced to labor, the increase in earnings and the better education. The process of individualization has improved the quality of life. The boundaries of social classes have expanded. The classes were transformed into layers. The position of women in society has improved qualitatively. But on the other hand, the competition for them in the labor market has grown. Ulrich Beck writes at the end of his research that the threat to the new society is massive unemployment.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The role and importance of motivation sphere in medicine 2023-08-07T15:37:23+00:00 Lia Svanidze <p>In order to study the healthcare sphere a reform had to be carried out in the beginning of our century, which was not transformed into scientific work due to objective reasons (change of formation, start of privatization). However, very important problems were set out, and the work author decided to put them into effect.On the basis of in-depth analysis and study of big volume of important issues, Lia Svanidze represented the work “The role and importance of motivation sphere in medicine”, which deals with “motivation” – the psychological phenomenon that can provide the mankind salvage from the expected catastrophe that poped up this century. She created her own area in the form of “motivation sphere”, which has unprecedented power and fabulous opportunities.“Motivation” is the word of French, English and Latin origin and means “to put in motion”. It is a notion of multiple meanings. In the psychology, it represents the dynamic process with physiological and psychological aspects, which manages human behavior, determines its direction, orderliness, activity and state. It is the unity of internal and external conditions causing the activity of subject; a conscious reason being the foundation of the person’s action, behavior, act, conduct.Functional motive is such vitalization of conduct, activity, and desires, during which not only the result to be achieved, but even the activity process brings emotional satisfaction. &nbsp;It has taken the research and study of numerous factors and many oppor­tu­nities to the effect that the author – Lia Svanidze had considered “motivation” as the savior of the medicine sphere, and to understand what a role it will act in case of well-implemented reform in medicine (see the work). The medical personnel of any rank and Georgian population has to be systematically well-informed about carrying-out of healthcare reform at highest level and its course, as well as about results of implementation of its separate stages. This will promote strengthening of motivation sphere of medical personnel activity.&nbsp;Author has a desire to represent briefly and illustratively the essence of the reform in this abstract and she hopes that its implementation in Georgia will not be hindered.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Addiction, as illusory-compensatory behavior 2023-08-07T15:54:42+00:00 Elene Chomakhidze Kakhi Kopaliani Tamta Chkvanava <p>The role of psychological factors in the development and dynamics of drug addiction is widely recognized: the occurrence of addiction is seen as a reaction to an intolerable internal state, the main feature of which is an intensive negative affect. Therefore, addiction is an attempt to solve psychological or life problems, or in other words it is a self-destructive way of emotional self-regulation for overcoming negative affect. The aim of the research was the empirical study of the life orientation of drug addicts, the system of psychological protection mechanisms and the personal profile. The Krambo-Maholick’s test was used to study life orientation, the Kellerman-Plutchik test was used to study psychological defense mechanisms, and the C-form of the Kettel 16-factor test was used to compile a personal profile. A total of 135 people were interviewed,&nbsp; 35 drug addicts among them. The research was conducted in two stages: in the first stage, the adaptation of the research test on the protection mechanisms was made, and in the second stage - the main empirical research was conducted. It is established that the addict is characterized by the deformation of the motivational-emotional sphere, which means the restriction of interests, life goals, vital space and the meaning of life, dissatisfaction with oneself and one's life. Psychological protection me­chanisms that develop in ontogenesis as a means of adaptation and internal conflict resolution, in the case of addiction, lead to opposing condition - disadaptation. The deformation of the psychological protection structure provides powerful ways of blocking reality: the ability to critically evaluate one's own illness is severely impaired. The system of psychological protection does not allow the drug addict to properly understand the severity of the drug usage results, which, in turn, contributes to the deepening of personality deformities and pathological forms of behavior.A personal profile of a drug addict has been created. Compared to a healthy man, drug addict is emotionally more unstable, more unpredictable, careless, rough, less practical, chara­cte­ri­zed by a more primitive worldview, his intellectual interests are more restricted, has lower self-control, weak volition regulation, low self-discipline, impulsivity, affectivity. Predictors for evaluating the effectiveness of psychotherapy within the framework of the Addiction Rehabilitation Program have been established.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Issues of Bank Revenue Analysis 2023-08-07T16:06:13+00:00 Marine Khubua <p>A special investigation is required in order to clarify the whole complex of the issues of bank revenue analysis.&nbsp; Banks have a sufficient information base for analysis and in order to carry out the analysis we can use a number of its methods. First of all we must focus on the general methodological development of income analysis and the details of its tasks.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The role and importance of social norms in the field of public relations regulation 2023-08-06T08:07:02+00:00 Lali Gabisonia <p>This paper addresses one of the most important issues in both legal theory and legal history: social norms and their impact on the regulation of public relations. The purpose of the research is twofold: 1. Demonstrate the role and importance of the history of law as an independent field of legal science for such a fundamental branch of legal science as the theory of law. The theory of law forms into concepts and provisions what the history of the state and law, as a result of long observations of events, conveys in the form of a kind of „raw material“. It is as a result of proper analysis and study of this material that the theory of law, using the formal-legal method, forms separate concepts, reveals the main characteristics. In this case we are talking about social norms, its concept and varieties, the role of a particular social norm and its genesis. 2. The aim of the research is also: to show the importance of social norms in the process of creating norms regulating public relations. In many cases, the legislator improperly deepens the role and importance of other social norms in creating the rule of law, which significantly complicates the law enforcement process, as the society finds it difficult to comply with laws that are foreign to its consciousness: the moral-moral-customary social reality. The law is a kind of garment on the body of a society, in its creation it is necessary to select the right parameters of a given society or to take into account the social norms that are characteristic of this society and have been established by the society for centuries. In the context of globalization, the main mission of society is to maintain its identity and self-regulation, for which the state needs to legislate, take into account the existing social norms that have been maintained for centuries and some new social norms, adapt them to modern requirements, improve law enforcement processes. In creating this paper, we have used both analysis and synthesis methods, co­mp­arative-historical method, problem method and formal-legal method.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rule of Law and Criteria for Definition of Law In the views of Friedrich Karl von Savin (Historical School of Law) 2023-08-06T08:16:04+00:00 Lali Gabisonia <p>The present paper is devoted to the views of a prominent re­p­re­se­ntative of the Historical School of Law on such important issues as the theory of law and the philosophy of law, such as the origin of law, its existence, and the criteria for defining the rule of law. Friedrich Carl von Savin has left an indelible mark on the creation of the historical school of law, as well as his great contribution to the understanding of the historical or theoretical aspects of the origin of law. The Historical School of Law was founded in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and was founded by German lawyers Gustav Hugo, Friedrich Carl von Savin and Georg Friedrich Puchta. The strength of the historical school of law is the fact that they paid great attention to law as an event, scientifically investigated the origin of law, became the object of their interest in the so-called Positive law and the real reasons for its origin. Today it is inconceivable for the world to exist without the existence of law, without its practical application. The practical application of law begins with its correct reading and correct interpretation. The practical application of law is the main result of the pursuit of jurisprudence as a science and law as a set of mandatory rules of conduct governing public relations. Interesting and noteworthy are the Friedrich Karl von Savinian criteria for the definition of law. Methodologically, the definition of law is one of the most important and complex processes, which requires a correct, consistent, hierarchy of existing methods and methods of definitions in a certain sequence, and an appropriate interpretation of each case to be regulated. In this sense, finding the relevant norm of the law governing a particular relationship and just reading it is not enough, establishing the fact and selecting the norm is simply written on paper, in real life, in legal work, I think, the most difficult, responsible, Variable process.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Some aspects of the legal regulation of transport services 2023-08-06T08:25:54+00:00 Shorena Gabichvadze <p>Geostrategic location and economic prosperity of Georgia require special attention from the state to the transport sector. Ensuring a high quality of transport services requires the development of supportive policies and relevant legal regulations. In this regard, the paper discusses several key aspects of transport services - in terms of the state approach, involvement in the dynamics of the economy and legal regulations. Methods of systematic research, synthetic research and analysis are used in the work. In Georgia, it is extremely important and necessary to provide high-standard transport services to customers, to increase the importance of Georgia as a strategic partner for neighboring and non-neighboring countries. The conclusions made as a result of the reasoning developed in the paper about the above add more value to the paper.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Implementation of the principles and norms of international law in „the Law of Georgia on the Occupied Territories“ 2023-08-06T08:35:28+00:00 Vepkhvia Gvaramia <p>The publication assesses the formal character of the peace agre­e­ments of the occupied territories of Georgia in the 1990s, which blocked the use of international legal mechanisms for quickresponse to theconflict. This process was called „ethnic conflict“ by Interested party. Non-fulfillment of treaties by the Ru­ssian Federation, misinterpretations of the principles of international law and actions taken on this basis increased the conflict, which led to the 2008 war, again agreements, their violation and recognition of the occupied territories. The publication highlights the expediency of the adoption of „the Lawof Georgia on the Occupied Territories“, It should not be canceled, since the law has given the conflict an international character, which allows Georgia to use the mechanisms of international law effectively in time. Dogmatic material is analyzed, which prohibits the appropriation of the territory by occupation or other method of coercion, despite of the effective control of the occupied territories. Underscores the importance of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Georgia v. Russian Federation in respect of human rights violations in the occupied territories.This document, the principles of international law, „the Lawof Georgia on the Occupied Territories“ and the opinions of &nbsp;scholars,together, allow us to conclude that complexly presented circumstances give the Georgian legislature and executive authoritiesopportunity to take effective action to apply international legal mechanisms.Quick response is a guarantee of territorial integrity in Georgia.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mistakes made in the process of filling in the complaint form of the European Court of Human Rights 2023-08-06T08:57:49+00:00 Lasha Gelantia <p>The European Court of Human Rights is an international court whose judgments are binding on states and cause governments to change their laws and administrative practices in many areas. The court may also hear complaints from individuals and legal entities alleging that their human rights under the Convention have been violated.Practice has shown that more than 90% of the complaints reviewed by the court are declared inadmissible, which is often caused by errors made in the process of filling out the complaint form developed by the court.The topic discusses typical and common mistakes, such as: improper use of the complaint form, incorrect indication of factual circumstances, no annexes are attached properly, Exhaustion of domestic defense mechanisms is not rationaled, lack of signatures, inconsistency of the page etc.The topic also includes practical advice-recommendations to achieve the desired result in the European Court of Human Rights.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 New development of Chinese Criminal law 2023-08-06T09:09:51+00:00 Shizhou Wang <p>After the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China was pro­mu­lgated in 1979 and revised in 1997, this Law was revised and supplemented by one separate supplementary decision, 11 Criminal Amendments and 14 Criminal Le­gi­slative Interpretations. In terms of content, the Criminal Amendments and Criminal Legislative Interpretations introduced in this article after 2010 reflect the new development of Criminal Law in China. This article explains the main forms and features of these new development. It outlines the legislative measures to abolish the death penalty and to implement the criminal policy of "combining leniency and strictness". It explains the new measures in the protection of national security and national dignity and in the fighting against terrorism and corruption. A summary is given to the new provisions in terms of protecting information network, citizens’ personal information, social integrity and public order, environment, financial order, intellectual property rights, minors, traffic safety, the safety of food and drugs. In addition, the issues heatedly debated in theoretical and practical fields are introduced on the age of criminal responsibility for minors, the trend of Chinese criminal legislation, the establishment of criminal law provisions (criminal constitution), and the implementation of criminal law. The author hopes that this article shall benefit the legal exchanges and mutual understanding between the people of Georgia and the People’s Republic of China.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 System of supporting documents in Georgia in the XVII-XVIII centuries 2023-08-06T09:46:48+00:00 Kakha (Badri) Kvaratskhelia <p>The paper examines one of the important problems of the old Georgian the late feudal era, namely in the XVII-XVIII centuries, compared to the law - the system of supporting documents, which was given a different look in developed feudal era (XI-XIII centuries) in Georgia It was given a different look<strong>.</strong>During the feudal disintegration of Georgia, in the era of political and legal influence of Iran and Ottomans, the system of supporting documents changed its face. But this difference that arose in the Georgian kingdom - principalities was ended by the creation of the law book of Vakhtang VI.&nbsp; Because the law of Vakhtang became the main document of the legal system of all Georgian kingdoms. Many types of supporting documents were known to the judicial system of late feudal Georgia of the XVII-XVIII centuries: Article 6 of the Law Book of Vakhtang VI deals with the following types of evidence:&nbsp;&nbsp; The first is the oath, second - hot arrow, third-boiling, fourth-sword, fifth-witness, sixth-sin. In the work, based on the law book of Vakhtang VI, the system of evidentiary documents characteristic of the Georgian court of the XVII-XVIII centuries is studied.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Indictment process in Eastern Georgia of the XVII-XVIII centuries 2023-08-06T09:56:13+00:00 Kakha (Badri) Kvaratskhelia <p>In the work, one of the particularly noteworthy details of the court justice of Eastern Georgia of the late feudal era, the accusatory process and its course, is studied. In late-feudal Georgia, the judicial institution was called „secretary“, it is an Arabic word and it meant a judicial and state institution. The official appointed to perform a special judicial function was called Mdivanbegi. Mdivanbeg was a judge whose competence included various types of civil and criminal cases. Mdivanbeg's court was usually collegial. The court was attended by a secretary, whose duty was to record the testimony of the parties, to find the appropriate article of the legal book; &nbsp;Secretaries were also considered members of the court and took part in deciding cases. These people would carry out the course of the accusation process that we are studying. The course of the Indictment process was entirely the prerogative of the secretary, but unlike the royal trinity of Western Georgia, since the 17th century, the course of the impeachment process has been the responsibility of the secretary along with the secretary and his subordinates.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Reform of Sex Crimes in Japan 2023-08-06T10:09:58+00:00 Kuzuhara Rikizo <p>It should be noted that despite some criticism, the 2012 reform of sex crimes in the Criminal Code of Japan can be assessed positively overall. It is especially noteworthy the abolishment of the notion of „lewd acts“. Removing the restriction of the object of infringement only to women is a step towards the demoralization of sex crimes and safeguarding protection of sexual freedom. Removing the restriction of the object of infringement means making the sexual freedom of LGBT persons and of heterosexuals equal. This clarifies that the components of <em>corpus delicti</em> of the „lewd acts“ have been substituted by a restrictive list of „sexual intercourse, anal intercourse, or oral intercourse“, because all of them involve penetrating by male genitals; Only in such a case there is „sexual intercourse“. <em>Corpus delicti</em> of rape still does not include sexual acts between women. Hence, penetration by male genitalia distinguishes the rape from the coercion into acts of sexual nature. Two evaluative questions are asked at this time: Why does penetration have such a special meaning and why only by men? You will not find persuasive answers to these questions. There is neither empirically nor normatively justified reason to limit the punishability of rape to only particularly intensive use of violence or threat. If we consider that it is necessary for Japan to make punishable sexual acts committed without violence and threat, then it is recommended to introduce a new <em>corpus delicti</em> of the act punishable by a lenient sentence. The reform of sex crimes has sparked a debate that has been previously the subject of political debate only between feminists and conservatives. The amendments focus on the legal side of the issue, which is also one of the positive effects of the reform.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Development trends of local self-government in modern countries 2023-08-06T11:51:10+00:00 Mindia Okujava <p>Self-governance institutions of modern European countries have att­ra­cted special interest for the last decades. As several foreign authors have me-nt­ioned, political and economic integration of European countries has led not only to sharing of essential decision-making powers with EU governance bodies but has also attached importance to the regional and local self-governance bodies of EU member states. Despite the wide variety of the self-governance systems in those countries, in the current paper, we will review the common features based on the comparative legal approach, which stress the main trends related to the operation of local self-governance bodies. Among those trends, the aspects of ensuring the participation of citizens in political decision-making through local self-governance are of special importance.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Some Criminal Aspects of Human Rights Protection 2023-08-06T11:59:30+00:00 Edisher Phutkaradze <p>To recognize human rights by the Constitution of the state, to define by international declaration and to declare by the Convention are very important. But the criminal protection of human rights, is important as well. From this point of view, it is interesting to discuss the function of criminal protection. According to the prevailing view in science, criminal law has a protective function. Consideration of human rights as the most important legal goods (protected object) is dependent on legal development of state and society. The concept and elements of crime are related to the issue of legal good, object of crime and, object and subject of action. Academic investigation of all these issues and their application in criminal law and case law is crucial for the criminal protection of human rights.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 For scientific integrity 2023-08-06T12:21:36+00:00 Edisher Phutkaradze <p>No matter how many and interesting sources we use during cre-ation of a work, it still cannot be attractive in the eyes of an intelligent reader. Educated, intelligent reader is looking for authorial innovation, even on minimum importance. If the work does not offer even a little „innovation“ for the development of the field, then it will not add anything and will be useless. Gain knowledge by working on relevant literature or other way is important because we should know what is happening in other fields. This is necessary as well for knowing that when we are creating some innovations may be there is already created the same by someone. Because re-creation of already created work will not develop the field.&nbsp; This level already existed and if we found something so that plagiarism did not take place, it indicates our intellectual ability and honesty, but not the contribution to the development of the field as it has already been created by someone else before us. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce scientific innovations, even for creating new innovations in order to develop science. Introduction of scientific innovations should be means and not aim itself.&nbsp; The means to create new work and not to point already created one on our behalf.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Capabilities of public administration systems for the prevention and resolution of ethnic conlifcts 2023-08-06T15:27:15+00:00 Zurab Jibgashvili <p>The presented article „Possibilities of thegovernment state systems for the prevention and resolution of ethnic conflicts“ examines modern theories that exist with the aim of integrating a multinational society. The article formulates the problems and highlights those important aspects that act as influential factors, and the agreements around which directly determine the harmonization of the system of the government with the ethnic composition of society, with the aim of its implementation and integration. The paper examines the mechanisms of atypical influence - the characteristics of the electoral system, ethnic veto, ethnic coalitions, the rule of electing the president, the collegial head of state, etc. - on a typical system of government,based on consensus, conditioned on the diversity of society.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF SOKHUMI UNIVERSITY Abkhazia in the Georgian press (1866-1899) 2023-08-05T15:53:12+00:00 Ana Bakanidze <p>The Georgian press of the 19th century is a valuable historical source for studying the history of the ancient part of Georgia - Abkhazia. The article exa­mines the reports of the Georgian periodical press - magazines-newspapers („Droe­ba“, „Iveria“, „Tsishnis sheet“, „Kvali“, „Mtsemsi“, „Akaki's monthly collection“) about various areas of the history of Abkhazia in the 19th century.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Georgia-China trade and economic Cooperation, the basis of the stra¬te¬gic partnership of the two countries 2023-08-05T16:04:55+00:00 Lia Gablishvili <p>Today China is one of the main partners of Georgia in the trade and eco­nomic spheres. There’s a large inflow of investments from china, which positi­vely affects the economy of Georgia. There are new perspectives due to chi­na’s current leaders – <em>Xi Jinping’s</em> initiative – <em>“One belt, One road”</em>, in which, Georgia is actively participating. Moreover, Georgia has a special place in this project, because it acts as a transport-transit hub, which connects Eurasia.The article discusses Georgia-China economic relations from the 1990s to the pre­sent. Raising this topic is conditionned by the fact that cooperation in the tra­de and economic sphere is the central issue of the Geor­gian-Chinese political-diplomatic dialogue. This is why this segment of Georgian-Chi­nese relations is relatively fully developed scientifically by Georgian researchers (pre­dominantly economists – <em>Larisa Korghanashvili, Paata Aroshidze, Ramaz Put­ka­ra­dze, Mari­am Grigalashvili, Irakli Sirbiladze and Mikheil Mghebrishvili, Davit Ap­t­si­a­uri </em>and others.). <em>Joseph Larsen</em>, Senior Advisor to the <em>USAID </em>Office of Strategy and Pro­g­rams, has some interesting observations on the importance of Georgia-China eco­nomic cooperation. Some issues of Georgian-Chinese economic cooperation are ana­ly­zed in detail in the publications of Chinese analysts. Chinese materi­als, in some cases, even cover Georgia-China relations in the economic sphere in more detail. There are issues that are covered only in Chinese publications and these materials were not available to Georgian researchers until now. Ba­sed on these studies, this section of the paper presents a general picture of economic cooperation between the two countries.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Documents of containing information on the spread of Pandemic in Svan Written Monuments 2023-08-05T16:35:41+00:00 Levan Gvichiani <p>Svan written monuments contain different content of documents, its classification gives us the diversity of wide range of issues, focused, thematic research materials. The topic of our special research will this time be the attitude of pandemic diseases in the free society, in particular "Free Svaneti". The purpose of the study is to identify the traditional approach that was related to the prevention of various illnesses and the management of disease, which was and is the daily problem of mankind. Knowledge of the history of spread and management of illnesses will give us the result to learn more about the traditional, characteristic peculiarities of the prevention and management of the Sickness. These references are distinguished, as well as the abundance of the names of the individuals, which helps us in onomastic search of their history, resettlement - to determine the localization of the settlement and to identify the social status.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Disputed Ownership of „Free Svaneti“ Estate According to „Japaridze's Blood document“ 2023-08-05T16:58:03+00:00 Levan Gvichiani <p>The purpose of this work is to study the disputed ownership of the estate as documented in the "Japaridze's Blood Certificate." The document has been published numerous times by different authors and is well studied in terms of pa­leo­graphy, date of writing a deed is investigated, as well as, its historical signi­fi­cance, and the transfer of paternity, geo, and hydro toponyms. However, the main objectives of issuing the document, which aimed to establish feudal relationships in the free society of Svanthet and to subject it to the royal government, have re­ce­ived less atte­n­tion. The study examines the internal borders of "free Svaneti" as recorded in written monuments of Svaneti, also are identified the toponyms and the names of the places that have been in the "Japaridze’s Blood Certificate". Research Method: This paper uses a historical-comparative method and a cyclic study method, conducts a contextual analysis of Blood Certificate, to study the controversial issues of the ownership of "Free Svaneti", and clarifies its historical-sustainable value. Scientific Novelty of the work: based on study, the identity of the author of one of the anonymous publications of the source, have been identified. For the first time, the events conveyed in the certificate, the historical piercing, and the traditional historical reality were studied in detail. Determining the reasons for the decline in the geo -shaped boundaries of "Svaneti".</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 One attempt of Popularization of the history of the Scandinavian countriesin Georgia 2023-08-05T17:08:14+00:00 Merab Kalandadze <p>The popularization of the history of the Scandinavian countries in Georgia is relatively lame and remains a peripheral topic to this day. Of course, this does not mean that almost nothing has been done in this direction. This is not the case. Georgian historiography has made a modest contribution to the popularization of the history of the Scandinavian countries. The first or not one of the first attempts to popularize the history of the Scandinavian countries is the popular historical essay on King Gustav I Vasa of Sweden (1523-1560) published in 1901, which was translated from Russian or. Tsereteli. The choice of translator, of course, was not random. It is thought that the King of Sweden treated him as a desirable political figure for Georgia. A positive assessment of the King of Sweden's performance is clearly not accidental, and it is, first and foremost, an echo of an understanding of the role of the individual in history. The activities of Swedish King Gustav I Vasa seem to have been in line with his political ideals. Sympathy for Gustav Vasa was not accidental and, above all, could have been conditioned by two circumstances. His name is associated with the liberation of Sweden from long Danish rule, his name is associated with the national liberation movement. The National Liberation Movement has always been a topical issue in Georgia, it has been popular and popular, we can think that they liked the reforms carried out by Gustav-Vasa, which acted as a catalyst and quickly put the newly established country on the road. Took it the right way. This was a success for King Gustav Vasa of Sweden. They tried to evaluate the work of the King of Sweden, Gustav I Vasa, from a progressive-liberal position. It was a scientific approach to the issue, which naturally has its pros and cons.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 „House Man's Row“ in the principality of Tumanishvilis in the 18 st Century 2023-08-05T18:22:27+00:00 Rezo Marnadze <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;The paper examines the issue of "House Man's Row" in Georgian principality, spe­ci­fi­cally, in the Tumanishvili principality. In Georgia, all principality was manage on the basis of ,,House rules“ in the late feudal era. Sometimes, As a result of the divorse of the members of the princely house, distribution of land created a certain controversy between the divisions, which was a abolishof the „House Man's Row“. The &nbsp;„House Man's Row“ was often abolished in the principality of Tu­ma­ni­s­hvilis in the XVIII Century. Based on existing documentary ma­­te­rials and other historical sources, we can conclude, that the relationship between the members of the princely house of Tumanishvilis was very unstable in the XVIII century.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 A few issues explaining couloir details regarding the assassination of Erekles European ambassadors 2023-08-05T18:29:53+00:00 Mamuka Natsvaladze <p>Over the years 1781-82 Erekle II sends his ambassadors to Europe twice: first he sends a Capuchin monk Domenique who dies in Constantinople in uncertain ci­rcu­ms­tances not having reached the destination; after him Erekle II sends another Capuchin Mauro the Veronese who also dies for unknown reasons while still on his way. It is a very important fact that the letters sent by the King Erekle, unlike the ambassadors, reach their destination which is the Emperor’s Court in Austria. Purpose of the current article is to find out whether it is accidental that none of the Ambassadors of Erekle reached their place of destination and what was the reason for it – assassination of the ambassadors or their natural death. Based on the analysis of facts related to the Ambassade, political situation and letter of Erekle II preserved in the State Archive of Austria, we can conclude that in both cases, it was a diplomatic assassination and not an accident. It is quite suspicious that the next year Erekle sends Mauro Veroneli to Vienna with the same purpose, but through Russia and not Constantinople. The change of the approved route must have been considered by Erekle because of the assassination of the ambassador. With this performance, Erekle explicitly indicates to Russia that his Ambassade does not contain anti-Russian sentiments. There is a primary source confirming that the first Ambassade sent by Erekle had a supervisor interested in disrupting it as well as in the death of Domenico. This period, 1782, is linked to the official report of Catherine II sent to Chan­cellor Bezborodko in which the Russian Empress confirms that Erekle’s relations with the Emperor of Austria was not desirable and Erekle should stop and refuse the refer­red correspondence. Based on the mentioned report we can explicitly assume that the Russian Imperial Court was interested in the failure of Ambassade. Accordingly, those diplomatic assassinations were ordered by the latter. Both ambas­sadors of Erek­le were assassinated because they were instructed to orally report the Emperor of Austria the things not mentioned in the letters sent officially. Therefore, the both Capuchin Ambassadors rather than the letters sent by Erekle, were aimed by the Russian Imperial Court. As for the issues to be spoken by the Ambassadors of Erekle with the Emperor of Austria, they are clearly linked to the plan for the redistribution of Europe, deve­loped at the imperial courts of Vienna and St. Petersburg to neutralize the Ottoman Empire. This project could not have been implemented without taking into account the Caucasian factor and Erekle strived to be the participant of this International Pro­ject accordingly, as the ruler of a sovereign state. The Russian Imperial Court did not recognize Erekle to be the King of a Sovereign State. The realization of the “Greek Project” would create a Christian global space in the south of the Caucasus, which was a guarantee for the security of Georgia and had always been the dream of all Georgian Kings.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 For the Issue of Georgian Intervention and Annexation by Soviet Russia 2023-08-05T19:04:44+00:00 Levan Samsonia <p>One of the most difficult events in the history of Georgia is the violent So­vietization of the country by Bolshevik Russia in 1921. As a result, Georgia lost its sovereignty and a chance for the development as a European-type state. Study of the topic in historiography began immediately after the establishment of Soviet power in Georgia. Clearly, coverage of events was biased. From the beginning of the 90s of the XX century, from the restoration of state independence by Georgia, the situation has changed radically. A reassessment of the falsified history was on the agenda. This process continues today. Our goal is to evaluate this event objectively.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 New Facts about Varlam Cherkezishvilis Visit to Russian Empire in 1906 2023-08-05T19:21:19+00:00 Nodar Chkhaidze <p>The visit of Varlam Cherkezishvili to Russia in 1906&nbsp; is known to Georgian historiography in some extent. Though whole range of details still need the clarification. In the paper we took an attempt to reveal new facts based on letters published in ‘Daily Chicago News’, archive materials and scholarly works. The investigation revealed that from February Cherkezishvili had been in Russian empire but not in Georgia. He only visited his home-land during the Spring and in Summer he went in a trip with his wife (we clarify this fact based on the letters of his wife – Frida. These letters are less known to Georgian historiography). We could not find out yet the purpose of this trip but we think that he visited Anarchist circles. The several new facts have been revealed about the ‘Georgian Relief Comittet ‘’. As it has been revealed this committee was restored after Bolshevik occupation of Georgia in 1921. The clarification of further details is the subject of future investigation.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Brian George Hewitt's ,,Abkhazian Sympathies’’ and Anti-Georgia Attitudes 2023-08-06T03:29:38+00:00 Gela Tsaava <p>The report discusses the anti-Georgian sentiments of George Brian Hewitt. Hewitt says that the protracted conflict between Georgians and Abkhazians will only come to an end with Georgia's recognition of Abkhazia's independence and after that it will be possible to return the IDPs to the region. Hewitt says that Abkhazian’s hatred of Georgians is still very strong. So only the distant future can be talked about. He believes that when Georgians recognize the independence of occupied Abkhazia and as neighbors, restore friendly relations, then they will live side by side in peace. With a falsified history, Hewitt will repeatedly try to portray the unbearable existence of Abkhazians in the conditions of „Georgian colonialism“, to describe their selfless struggle for independence.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Consequences of the First World War for Georgia 2023-08-06T03:45:46+00:00 Zurab Khonelidze <p>The paper discusses the international political situation created after the First World War and the struggle of the small Caucasian country - Georgia for state independence. Coming out of the research, the paper draws conclusions: although during the First World War none of the opposing blocs was interested in the fate of small nations, these nations created or restored statehood as a result of this war and created future prospects for establishing themselves in the world international system. The restoration of Georgia's statehood and the establishment of the first democratic type of state were caused by the political processes during the First World War. Although the Democratic Republic of Georgia was defeated on February 25, 1921, in the struggle against the Soviet occupation, Georgia continued to exist as a republic with limited „sovereignty“ within the Soviet Union. Today's Georgian state with republican governance is historically based on the fundament of the Georgian SSR, or „Second Republic“, part of the Soviet Union, which in turn is based on the Democratic Republic of Georgia, or „First Republic“. Although these republics are qualitatively different countries, they laid the foundation for each other's existence. A kind of justification for this is the Declaration of Independence of Georgia adopted on April 9, 1991, which legally, on the basis of the March 31, 1991 referendum, is based on the Declaration of Independence of May 26, 1918.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The physiological process of stress and anxiety in early age kids and school children and ways to overcome them. 2023-08-07T17:48:08+00:00 Lali Akhaladze <p>In today’s world stress plays an important role. It affects a person's behavior, health, emotional, mental, cognitive qualities, basic skills, and personality formation.The article discusses the conditions of anxiety and stress reactions in young and school-age children, integral adaptive reactions, positive and negative effects of stress, as well as various ways to manage it.Although the stress response is naturally and genetically driven by the involvement of coded adaptive mechanisms in our body, it makes the child's body particularly mobilized and able to fight in a dangerous situation and facilitates the process of adaptation to a changing environment. It is considered a biologically po­si­tive, adaptive reaction of an integral nature, which increases the body's resistance to various pathogenic factors. But, if the balance between the active state and rest state is disturbed, ie when there is no balance between tension and relaxation, then the negative reactions of excessive stress lead to the depletion of adaptive reserves in the body and the reduction of specific and nonspecific reversal, leading to physical decline and psychological damage. Negative effects of stress such as headaches and abdominal pain, sleep-wake phase disorders, and excessive crying or eating problems are common in children. It all starts in infancy and continues throughout kindergarten and school. This condition can prevent the formation of normal growth and development of adaptation mechanisms in the child's body. In order for a genetically determined potential to be fully manifested, a child needs an appropriate environment - love and warmth, attention, encouragement and mental stimulation, adequate nutrition, and high-quality health care. At this age, the relationship between parent and child, parental involvement, and developmental stimulation is particularly important. Stimulation involves interacting with parents, and family members, looking at different things, coloring, listening, walking, and, of course, playing. Stable relationships, time spent with family, and rituals help children feel more secure and help them cope with difficult situations. Newborns and school-age children especially need constant attention and love. They need the feeling that someone is with them, understands their fears, cares for them, and expresses great love for them. If this does not happen, then negative stress will appear, and children will feel abandoned, and depressed, which is a hard and dangerous situation for a child to be in. There are several ways to relieve constant anxiety and tension: for example, engaging in sports and dancing, (children should engage in 30 minutes of physical activity, which leads to an increase in endorphin levels and a decrease in cortisol levels). By engaging in different activities, the child will be able to adequately expend the energy accumulated during the day, and gain communication skills and self-confidence in an informal environment. Also, regular exercise reduces stress and anxiety over the long term. The anti-stress factor of walking is physical activity, which increases the level of endorphins, as well as being in the green zone significantly improves emotional endurance and reduces stress, proper breathing exercises also reduce stress. Listening to soothing music, we will get a better result if they commit themselves to any musical instrument because at this time children also use physical force. It is desirable to eliminate distractions, and useless modern technologies (mobile, telephone, and computer), avoid watching negative content movies and programs, eat well - rationally, create pleasant relationships with family and peers, as well as have frequent connections with their loved ones. With people, which will help to avoid the physiological processes of anxiety and stress.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Aleksi Tchitchinadze’s practical, theoretical-didactic ideas and modernity 2023-08-07T18:02:30+00:00 Maia Akhvlediani Nato Kobuladze <p>Aleksi Tchitchinadze successfully conducted teaching and educational activities at Tbilisi and Kutaisi nobility schools, Khoni seminary; directed schools in Erevan and Thergi. He was an excellent educator, who, apart from practikal activities, carried out fruitful methodological and public-educational work.&nbsp; Al. Tchitchinadze contributed to the newspaper “Droeba” and was one of the founders of Kutaisi library and theatrical group. He worked gratis at Khoni single-sex high schools and had charge of a great deal of public and charitable activities.“To be said at dawn” by Al. Tchitchinadzeis an important pedagogic and didactic piece of writing, then representing a brave word against the tsarist education system and a call for reforming the national schools in accordance with the requirements of the epoch.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Utility theory and mathematical analysis of risk attitude 2023-08-07T18:21:25+00:00 Nestan Kekelia Elene Esiava <p>In a world full of uncertainty, individuals have to make different choices. Based on their risk preferences, decision-making processes differ. Risk pre­ference encounters an individual’s willingness to bear the risk. Usually, economists dis­ti­ng­u­ish three types. Particularly they mention risk-averse, risk-seeking, and risk-neutral individuals. Risk-averse is the person who prefers a sure amount of cash over gambling on cash, while risk-seeking is the person who favors gambling on cash over a sure amount of cash, and risk-neutral is the person who is indifferent between sure amount and gambling. Even though it is not directly possible to observe an individual's risk preferences, the utility theory can be used to depict a choice for the risk level. The following paper aims to determine the individual’s risk preference from utility functions and provide mathematical analysis.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 How to use the Covid-19 pandemic to teach Mathematics 2023-08-07T19:35:10+00:00 Teimuraz Ormotsadze <p>Distance and hybrid learning has revealed many shortcomings in traditional teaching-learning approaches. Pedagogical staff of public schools found themselves in a particularly difficult situation, facing new challenges. The presented work deals with such key issues and problems of the science of pedagogy as: teaching methods, teaching technology and strategy. In particular, the paper presents how the creation of moving images can be used to solve mathematical problems, which develops mathematical literacy, logical and critical thinking, problem solving skills and observation in students.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Forms and methods of using mustherapy with students with disabilities 2023-08-07T19:47:56+00:00 Lela Rekhviashvili <p>Music can become an indispensable tool for the pedagogical regulation of nor­mal and developmental problematic school children, as well as children with difficult living conditions and deviant behavior.In a public school a teacher can successfully use the potential of music when wor­king with students with disabilities. The forms and methods of this impact are quite di­verse. The main thing is that is does not involve force and the student expresses his re­adiness to interact with music.<em>The singing genre</em> is especially close and accessible to children. Singing regulates breathing rhythm, pulse, pressure, temperature, relieves tension. Therefore, a precisely selected melody has a beneficial effect on them and accelerates recovery. <em>Perceiving (listening to) music</em> is a very favorite and interesting activity for chil­dren. The teacher can offer the children to listen to specially selected musical works and discuss their own feelings, thoughts, memories evoked in the process. Next, the imp­ression is created - the face (painting, made of plasticine or clay). This method helps the child to open, to "hear" inner harmony, to relieve stress.Using <em>games</em> is very effective when working with children with disabilities. Solving corrective tasks in the form of a game allows children and adults to create a benevolent, emotionally charged atmosphere of joint creativity, encourages each child to participate in the learning process, helps to maintain cognitive interest and attention.The combination of music and play evokes a lot of emotions, children enjoy en­gaging in activities. They are willing to perform actions that they are not capable of in other subjects. They have a desire to interact with each other and their superiors, to im­itate the actions of those around them. Cognitive tasks are also solved: children recognize familiar melodies, guess the sound of different instruments, ie the positive dynamics of auditory perception, memory, attention formation becomes visible.It is through musical games that children begin to sing and utter simple words, while in normal life they experience some difficulty in mastering active speech.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Application of Process-oriented Methods and Approaches to Creating a Safe Environment in Higher Education Institutions 2023-08-07T20:18:37+00:00 Maia Pirchkhadze <p>Teaching is a complex process, though the effective results can be achieved by properly planned lraining process. Both teachers and persons responsible for teachers’ education can take some innovative actions in this direction. They can create equal development conditions for all participants of the educational process including&nbsp; both process-oriented methods and approaches and the promotion of aspects such as: modeling democratic attitudes and behavior; democratic processes in the learning environment, cooperative learning; Project-based learning and service learning.These methods do not require either external institutional intervention or support. However, the most important is to organize&nbsp; learning process properly. Both teachers and prospective teachers must be focused on the structure of the learning process, which they are going to lead or offer to students. The main thing is to be concentrated on the effectiveness, efficiency and the observance of the principle of impartiality.At the same time, goals, content, learning material, joint planning of assessment and program evaluation, the use of holistic approaches between teaching and assessment procedures and their agreement with the participants of the learning process, change the traditional relationships&nbsp; and create new ones, expanding functions, which takes the process to a completely different height. This is an active cooperation and constructivism, which we will achieve&nbsp; through the right relationship between the teacher and the student rather than through the implementation of only curricula. Activation of humanistic components is the main condition of a safe learning environment.Practical research determines the effectiveness of the mentioned practice, students' competencies and the quality of their training process. The above mentioned research also shows us the willingness of teachers whether they are ready to put all of their values ​​into practice or not. It shows us the way how to get to know themselves better as well as get more information about both their own professional and personal identity and their individual and professional goals. For this purpose, in 2019, in Sukhumi State University, we conducted a study determining the level of tolerance. Fifty students participated in the study&nbsp; hold on the basis of a random principle.The specific aim and task of the research was: 1) to promote both formation of the space identifying tolerance level on the process and creation of a safe environment. During the research process we were especially focused&nbsp; on that environment, where future teachers were trained. 2) To make practical recommendations in order to obtain effective results&nbsp; in the above mentioned direction (to promote both formation of the space identifying tolerance level on the process and creation of a safe environment). In the research process, we used questionnaire, conversation and observation.Research has shown us, that focusing on modeling democratic attitudes and behavior in daily learning practices will significantly increase the factor of safety. In this direction, we have made several recommendations, which also have a positive effect on the effectiveness of both&nbsp; teaching and learning processes. Such studies, including appropriate structural changes and the use of process-oriented approaches and methods, &nbsp;creating &nbsp;safe learning environments, enable &nbsp;us to understand critically the attitudes, skills and knowledge of both teachers and students, as well as improve &nbsp;student achievement and have a positive impact on &nbsp;their relationships, facilitating &nbsp;both critical evaluation of values and the achievement of effective results.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Children Living in the Occupied Gali District Without the Right to a National Language 2023-08-07T20:49:54+00:00 Gela Tsaava <p>The region separated from Georgia Abkhazia occupied by the Russian Federation has been trying to establish its place on the map of independent states on the world map for almost 30 years.However, when it comes to protecting international law, human rights and other signs of statehood. Official Sokhumi shows its political immaturity and this, among other issues, is reflected in the discriminatory attitude towards ethnic Georgians.One of the last measures taken against Georgians living in occupied Abkhazia was a ban on secondary education in their mother tongue in schools in the Gali district.At the same time, the occupied Abkhazia has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that in schools where Georgian textbooks are taught, Abkhazia is referred to as a Russian-occupied territory.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Themes of teaching history of the primary level (grades V-VI) according to the national curricula of Georgia and Estonia 2023-08-07T21:21:01+00:00 Mari kalabegashvili <p>Purpose- This study aims to examine&nbsp; the process of teaching history at the primary level in the general educational curricula of Georgia and Estonia. The reasons of such success of the Estonian model will be discussed here and also why, despite numerous reforms, the same model is not working in Georgia. Different articles are devoted to the discussion of the Estonian model of education, However, detailed research based on thematic-calendar plans of history has not yet been conducted. The article summarizes the results of studies conducted at different times and their analysis, the standards of the social sciences are discussed, and also their similarities and differences are given here.<em>Methodology</em><strong>. </strong>The article uses content analysis of sources, as well as methods of historical-comparative research, data processing and analysis.<em>Findings</em><strong>. </strong>Studies have shown that this model doesn’t work properly in Georgia, because our society finds it difficult to adopt reforms and innovations.<em>Originality/value.</em> <strong>&nbsp;</strong>First of all, there will be discussed Estonian approaches in general education, then we will talk about teaching a concrete subject (history) according to the subject standards and finally, we are going to discuss the reasons for the failure of this model in Georgia. The practical significance of the paper is to introduce modern approaches of education to those, who are interested in educational researches,&nbsp; teachers and students on the example of the Estonian model.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Methodology of integrated teaching of Georgian language and literature. Motivation and its types 2023-08-07T21:35:45+00:00 Levan Jinjikhadze <p>The article, first of all, analyzes the importance of teaching-learning, talks about the fact that the teaching-learning process is especially active when it is directed to the student's research interests, and that the concept of teaching-learning includes didactic research, time distribution of teaching activities, teacher and student roles interdependence, determination of anticipatedoutcomes. The focus is also on three levels of any science methodology: general methodology, specific methodology, and private methodology. Two types of teaching methods are presented, in a broad sense, the method-co­n­cept - a set of teaching ways and means, and teaching method in a narrow sense-the method involves the determined means of teacher-student interaction under the direct guidance of a teacher, directed at achieving educational, formative and didactic goals. Everyone knows that there are the following types of motivation: internal and external, but there is not a proper focus on other types of motivation, which is the objective our study. Hence, we have a positive and negative motivation, sustainable and unsus­t­ainable motivation, individual, group and cognitive ones.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Teaching to Solve Arithmetic Problems Using Diagrams 2023-08-07T21:47:05+00:00 Giorgi Jinjikhadze <p>There are many types of arithmetic problems, and almost all of them are covered in school. Many of them are taught in the elementary grades, many higher. There are many ways to solve such problems. The methodology for teaching these techniques is more or less studied. But methods for solving arithmetic problems, such as using diagrams, graphs, nomograms, etc., have not yet been developed in methodology.In this article, we will look at some examples of using diagrams to solve arithmetic problems and will not look at other ways to solve the same problems. Solving arithmetic problems using diagrams is obvious and interesting. This is a very effective way to develop a student's imaginative thinking</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023