COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF SOKHUMI UNIVERSITY <p><strong>სოხუმის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიიტეტის შრომების</strong> <strong>XX</strong> <strong>ტომში </strong>(<em>ჰუმანიტარულ და სოციალურ-პოლიტიკურ მეცნიერებათა მეცნიერებათა სერია</em>) წარმოდგენილია სამე­ცნიერო გამოკვლევები <em>ენათმეცნიერების, ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობის, ისტორიის, არ­ქეოლოგიის პოლიტოლოგიის, სოციოლოგიის, სამართალმცოდნეობის, განათლების მეცნიერებებისა </em>და <em>ფსიქოლოგიის </em>აქტუალურ პრობლემებზე. კრებული განკუთვნილია როგორც შესაბამისი დარგების სპეციალისტებისა და სტუდენტებისთვის, ასევე ფართო მკითხველი საზოგადოებისთვის.</p> en-US Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Comparison of folk beliefs of Tbilisi and Rize (from a cultural-historical point of view) <p>In addition to the religious provisions and teachings accepted in the society, folk beliefs formed over the centuries are spread among people and passed from generation to generation - ideas that reflect the tradition, existence, customs and life history of these peoples. These customs are quite widespread in society and are passed down from generation to generation. Along with religious teachings, these practices are considered beliefs.</p> <p>Communities do not forget the customs, beliefs and traditions that greatly influence their lives. Even with the spread of a new religion or culture, old customs, beliefs and traditions try to adapt to the characteristics of the new religion and culture. Folk beliefs can find a place in all aspects of our life, from birth to technical development of our social life and marriage, better to say it continues till death and finds reflection in our social life, it is characteristic of all peoples of the world.</p> <p>Our study deals with the comparative analysis of the folk beliefs and ideas preserved in Rize and Tbilisi. As a result of observation, data analysis shows that people in Rize and Tbilisi highly respect and value folk customs and traditions. In both regions, the social structure retains its characteristics in the context of beliefs and customs. A large part of the population is faithful to religion, nevertheless, a special attitude towards folk beliefs is felt, which is a determining factor in everyday life. No matter how modern the societies, folk beliefs are widely found in the life of Rize and Tbilisi - there are many similar traditions and customs, which are the result of the historical coexistence of two neighboring nations - Georgians and Turks for centuries.</p> Ayşe Ayçiçek Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Issue of Georgian Migration to the North Caucasus in the Second Half of the 19th Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century (According to the Georgian Press) <p>The migration of Georgians from Georgia is a less studied issue in Ge­orgian historiography compared to other ethnic groups. The first Georgian settle­ments in the North Caucasus date back to the 18th century around the Caspian Sea and the river Tergi. From the 19th century, the emigration of Georgians became more active. In this process, a special role was assigned to the main transit and main road - Dariali valley, the same "Aragviskari", which was called "Military road of Ge­o­rgia" since the 19th century. Consequently, a sizable and well-integrated dia­s­po­ra of Geor­gians emerged in the North Caucasus by the second half of the 19th century.</p> <p> The migration of Georgians to the North Caucasus took place mainly from the mountainous regions of Georgia - Mtiuleti, Khevi, Racha. It should be noted that not only migration of Georgians took place in the North Caucasus, but also occurred significant cases of Ossetians returning to Georgia during the 17th-18th and early 19th centuries. The mentioned process is intensively covered in the pages of the Georgian press: "Iveria", "Droeba", "Tsishni Shtshi", "Klede", "Ganatleba", etc. Sh. In addition to the press, information is available in antiquities and private funds of Georgia, including the fund of the Society for Spreading Literacy among Georgians. In the present article, the issue of migration of Georgians to the North Caucasus in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century is studied according to the Georgian press of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.</p> <p> Utilizing historical comparativism and content analysis, the paper compares the data available in the Georgian press at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, explores the reasons for migration of Georgians, the economic and cultural activities of the Georgians living in the North Caucasus, their successes and the struggle to preserve the national identity. On the basis of the research, the conclusions were drawn that by preserving their native language and traditional culture, Georgians firmly preserved their national identity, which was facilitated by the continuous contact of North Caucasian Georgians with their native regions, the Georgian schools and the Georgian church founded by them, thus preserving the elements of spiritual culture, firmly protecting the most important features of the national-cultural identity: the Georgian language, writing, literature, traditional existence, Georgian-language thea­t­rical performances, etc. The cultural movement of Georgians migrating to the North Caucasus gave powerful impulses to the cultural and educational life of the local population.</p> Lia Akhaladze, Nino Shiolashvili, Tamar Pkhaladze, Gvantsa Burduli, Tamar Shinjiashvili Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Ethno-political Situation on the Coast of Central Abkhazia at the Time of Greek Colonization (VII-V Centuries BC) <p>Sokhumi Bay is located in the central part of the coast of Abkhazia. In ancient times there was the ancient city of Dioscuria. It probably originated in the 6th-5th centuries BC. But before that, complex ethno-political processes took place here. Recently there have been invasions by Scythians and Cimmerians. The situation was unstable. In the south, the kingdom of Colchis was strengthened. Soon the kings of Colchis subjugated this territory as well. At the same time, the process of the Great Greek Colonization was taking place. But this process has already come to an end. Both of these processes coincided in time. We can assume the consistency of actions between the kings of Colchis and the Greeks. The Greeks wanted to establish a trading colony here. They needed the stable power of the kings of Colchis in this region. The kings of Colchis also benefited from the trading colony of the Greeks here. We can assume the consistency of actions between them.</p> Nodar Berulava Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Toponymic Searches on the Border of Svaneti and Abkhazia <p>The purpose of our paper is to study and analyze the documents containing toponymic information of the border areas of two historical sides of Georgia - Svaneti and Abkhazia: church four-chapters, written references written on lectionary sheets, materials obtained as a result of ethnographic expedition.</p> <p> The research focuses on the issues of determining the historical borders of Svaneti and Abkhazia, their changes over the centuries, and their relationship in this context. The research revealed new circumstances in the study of the borders of "Free Svaneti", border toponyms with Abkhazia, land ownership. The references are distinguished by the abundance of toponymic units, which helped us in their loca­li­zation, onomastic search and specifying the places on the border strip.</p> <p>The work uses the methods of critical analysis of the source and historical-compa­ra­tive research. The scientific novelty of the work is based on the study and analysis of the written sources preserved in Svaneti, on the basis of which it was possible to separate the toponymically bounded sources into a separate group and reveal the bor­der toponymy in the northwest of Svaneti with Abkhazia. For the first time, the co­n­tent aspects of documents containing border toponymy were studied in detail. In addi­tion to written sources and toponymy, it is important to analyze the features of free land ownership forms and other traditional characteristics in determining the his­to­rical geography of Upper Svaneti, which is possible with ethnographic material.</p> <p>In the written monuments of Svaneti, in the documents written on four heads, in to­po­nymy and ethnographic data, the historical picture of the alternation of the border of Svaneti and Abkhazia in different eras is clearly visible. Nevertheless, ethno­g­ra­phic and toponomic studies on the ground, on the Upper Svaneti-Abkhazia border and in the Dali valley, should reveal more material in the issue of clarifying the boundaries of the two historical sides of Georgia - Svaneti and Abkhazia.</p> Levan Gvichiani Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Hostilities in Abkhazia in March 1993 <p>On March 14, 1993 the separatists launched a large-scale attack on the Gumista front. Along with mercenary fighters, they were supported by Russian units with weapons, ammunition, as well as maneuvering, air and artillery ca­pa­bilities.</p> <p>The separatists were able to breech through the Georgian defense front line, penetrate deep into the positions of the Georgian side and develop an attack towards the outskirts of Sukhumi. However, by 17:00 on March 16 the Georgian defense front line was restored as a result of self-sacrificing battles of Georgian units and a timely counterattack. After that, on the morning of March 17 the Georgian forces launch offensive operation and completely cleared the left side of Gumista River.</p> <p>Since the beginning of the war, the separatists have not experienced such a big loss in any of the battles, they were psychologically demoralized, so the favorable situation for the counter-attack on the Gumista front was quite ripe for the Georgian side, which could play a critical role in the war in Abkhazia and even bring a decisive victory to the Georgian side. However, this did not happen.</p> <p>After the battles of March peaceful environment settled down on the Gumista front for a short time. The Abkhazian side, unlike the Georgian side, used the mentioned peace pause to strengthen its positions.</p> Otar Dolidze Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Serbia, Georgia, and their Breakaway Regions: Examining the Socio-political Mirror Imagery <p>The author examines various aspects of historical and socio-po­li­tical developments in Georgia and Serbia with specific emphasis on their breakaway regions (Abkhazia and Kosovo, respectively). It is argued that Tbilisi and Belgrade have been facing some similar issues and dilemmas, which are correlated with their historical experiences, coupled with significant exposure to damaging external inf­lu­ences and shifting trends in international politics and law. Major parallels (and to a lesser degree, dissimilarities) are analyzed through historical and comparative met­hods, with additional contributions from political science theories and practice, while also bearing in mind that analogies cannot be made in absolute, but rather, relative terms. The author deploys the ambiguous “mirror image” concept to point out the interpenetration between these similarities and dissimilarities, that have ultimately resulted in certain comparable outcomes, not only regarding the unfavorable situation in the seceded regions but also, in the context of the two nations’ recent stra­te­gic paths.</p> Miloš Petrović Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Abkhazia "issue" and Western European states (England, Fra-nce, Germany) in 1918-1920 <p>The paper discusses the issue of Abkhazia in the foreign policy of the leading states of Western Europe, England, France and Germany, in 1918-1920. Du­ring the years of the existence of the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921), Abkhazia was a constituent part of the state of Georgia, and the then go­ve­rnment of Georgia tried to overcome the separatist sentiments in the region. Our goal is to obse­r­ve, against the background of the strengthened interests of the leading European sta­tes towards the South Caucasus, what was their attitude towards the Abkhazia problem.</p> <p>In the work, based on the historical-comparative method of analyzing the historical sources and scientific literature surrounding the issue, the historical picture of 1918-1929 is restored and the conclusions are drawn: in the international politics of the leading European countries (England, France, Italy), the "issue" of Abkhazia did not become a separate issue. No point of discussion. The neighboring countries (England, France, Italy) and the USA unconditionally recognized the territorial integrity of the Democratic Republic of Georgia. As for Germany, its government considered Abkhazia (Sukhumi district) in all official meetings and documents as an organic part of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, and would not spare military force if Georgia's independence and territorial integrity were threatened.</p> Vakhtang Chania Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Relations Between Georgia and the North Caucasus in the 11th Century <p>By the beginning of the XI century, feudal Georgia is a politically united state and from the socio-economic point of view, stands on a new level of development. In the 30s-50s of the 11th century, the following foreign-political tasks were faced by the state of Georgia: getting rid of the subjugation of the Byzantine Empire and gaining national sovereignty. Strengthening positions in the Caucasus and finding allies. The kingdom of Ovseti was considered one of such allies of Georgia. By this time, the political weight of the Kingdom of Ovseti had doubled. The powerful kingdom of Ovseti, which was formed in the 10th century, immediately became an active military-political force throughout the Caucasus and was accountable by the neighboring states including the Byzantine Empire, which, as a rule, always tried to use the people of Ovseti in accordance with its interests. Georgian kings of the XI century were trying to tie a military-political union with the Kingdom of Ossetia through a dynastic marriage and include it in the anti-Byzantine coalition. The military-political and dynastic relations of Georgian kings Giorgi I and Bagrat IV with the kingdom of Ovs are one of the bright pages in Georgia-North Caucasus relations.</p> Ia Jichonaia Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On Geometrical Approaches in Solving Non-Geometrical Problems <p>The paper discusses geometrical approaches to solving non-geo­me­trical problems, which can also be referred to as "the use of the coordinate method in solving non-geometrical problems." Based on specific, practical examples, we propose simple geometrical methods for solving non-geometrical problems.</p> Teimuraz Ormotsadze Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Regression model - Correlation Between Age and Coronavirus Cases in Australia <p>This study addresses one of the most important and topical issues of modernity - COVID-19. As part of the study, we tried to statistically describe and analyze one of the largest databases related to the virus - the case of Australia. The aim of the research is to raise an awareness about this still unknown phenomenon and to turn it into a kind of recommendation document for its practical implementation in the future.</p> <p>More specifically, the main focus of the study is the correlation analysis of the number of people infected with the virus and their age groups, thus determining whether the relationship between these two variables exists, for which the T-test had been calculated using some of the Excel tools. In order to have a better visualization and maximum degree of reliability achieved of the results, we came up with another variable - gender and compared the cross-tabulations of infected men with the cross-tabulations of infected women.</p> <p>The study found that there was no such correlation between age and COVID-19-infected cases (since we had to reject the null hypothesis at a 20% significance level, while for women the null hypothesis has been validated at both 10 and 20% significance). Therefore, we had to use the so-called "scatterplots", or graphs, after standardizing the data obtained and minimizing the statistical difference between the genders. Indeed, in both cases the line of reference between age and ‘coronavirus’ cases had a negative direction. And the best fit line had a negative slope too. Moreover, in both cases we obtained a linear scattering, which gives us legit reason to conclude and assume that there is a regular correlation between these two variables (age and COVID-19 cases).</p> Mzevinar Patsatsia, Elene Esiava Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 For the issue of self-regulation in school and university practice during asynchronous learning process <p>In order to find success in life, a person needs&nbsp; to work hard, put more effort and&nbsp; de­velop specific skills. Regarding the above mentioned issue, the most important is the ability to be autonomous,&nbsp; make a decision and&nbsp; take responsibility for that decision, i.e. self-regulation.</p> <p>The degree of internetness of a person with a self-regulated learning ability (i.e. how independent he/she is in everyday life, how high is his/her activity and initiative, self-confidence, independence, high self-esteem, self-control and responsibility for his/her own behavior) is quite high and if we help the teenager to develop the quality of these abilities, we will get an independent young person with high self-regulation ability.</p> <p>How can we find similar skills in our pupils/students? How can we determine whether they are ready for the changes or not? How can we promote their personal sustainability (while mastering their own profession)? We became more interested in the mentioned issue due to the fact that in the last period, the number of units that affect the learning/teaching and activity efficiency of the student/students has increased significantly.</p> <p>We became more interested in the mentioned issue for the fact that we face: the number of units that affect the learning/teaching and activity efficiency of the student/students has increased in recent years.&nbsp; In order to determine the expected results, it is no less important to study personal-typological characteristics of the subjective regulation of pupils'/students' activities, which will give us a guide for planning future activities.</p> <p>In order to define the degree of self-regulation of pupils/students and&nbsp; determine their learning style, we have conducted a two-stage study including special tests and questionnaires. At the first stage, we tried to define the category of respondents. We divided the interviewees into „autonomous“ and „dependent“ groups. In the second stage - we determined what was their attitude towards the distance learning component. We defined whether they had the necessary specific skills for the process or not.</p> <p>101 respondents, including pupils and students from different regions, participated in the research process. Particularly,&nbsp; they were pupils of the upper level (XI-XII grades) of the Tbilisi Italian School „Tsiskari“, Telavi N4 Public School, Zestafoni Municipality N1 Public School, Samtredia N10 Public School&nbsp; and students of Sukhumi State University. (they are involved in the distance learning process from both West and East Georgia). The research was conducted at the end of May, when one part of the pupils&nbsp; (XII graders) was still enrolled in school, but they were considered to be&nbsp; potential future students (i.e. he/she would be involved in the learning process again)&nbsp; The other part was going leave the space and start inde-pe­n­dent work, or stay at school (XI graders) in order to pass exams for admission to the programs of higher educational Institution in the nearest future. We had the same conditions with students (some of them continued their studies while others&nbsp; graduated from the school and started a new stage in life - independent work).</p> <p>Being in equal conditions, both the pupils and students had different attitudes towards distance learning process due to two components (involvement in the learning process and independent activity). That’s why we had&nbsp; to study their situation se­pa­rately, while the uniform learning style of pupils and students allowed us to study the mentioned issue as a single component. Finally, we presented the results&nbsp; of obtained outcomes in a comprehensive manner.</p> <p>The I stage of the research included the following activities. We aimed to determine the self-regulation index of pupils/students and conduct&nbsp; learning testing of the personal-typological characteristics (i.e. the learning style) of the subjective regulation activity.&nbsp;&nbsp; Only 71 out of 101 participants filled out the questionnaire. Ot­her participants just abstained. The research revealed a high percentage of respondents whose vector was not clear and we do not know what are they going to&nbsp; choose in the future: "dependency" or – „autonomy and self-regulation“.</p> <p>Part II of the study was aimed at determining the effectiveness of the distance learning format. Most of the interviewees preferred to have live relationships, although they believed that asynchronous learning process (distance format) was still successful for them.</p> <p>From the point of view of methodology, the answers to the following questions are quite interesting:</p> <ol> <li><strong>a) The pupils:</strong></li> </ol> <p>Question&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Correct answers</p> <ol start="2"> <li>Should distance learning be continued in the future?</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;7&nbsp;&nbsp; out of&nbsp; 60 agreed</p> <ol start="3"> <li>Distance learning should not exist?!</li> </ol> <p>23 out of 60 agreed</p> <ol start="6"> <li>Is the distance learning process difficult for you? &nbsp;</li> </ol> <p>28 out of 60 agreed&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>The methodical processing of research results revealed the personal-typological cha­ra­cteristics of the subjective regulation of activity among pupils and students&nbsp;&nbsp; (including the attitude towards the remote activity format) as well as self-regulation and the degree of inertness.&nbsp; Despite the positive attitude towards distance learning,&nbsp;&nbsp; style of students' general activity&nbsp; and degree of self-regulation were not „sustainable“. The estimated need for „control“ (emphasis on self-regulation) was not low - only 34 out of 60 students supported the idea to have&nbsp; a control mechanism (this is the answer to the question - the distance learning format was bad. According to the survey, the participants&nbsp; are not able to control their own achievements. An even lower percentage has&nbsp; obtained the answer to the question - „My work schedule is usually unsystematic“ - 0%. The highest rate was recorded for the demand for „live“ relationships - 40%, which involve more active social interaction according to student results.</p> <ol> <li><strong>b</strong><strong>) The students:</strong></li> </ol> <p>From the point of view of methodology, the answers to the following questions are quite interesting:</p> <ol> <li>a) The pupils:</li> </ol> <p>Question&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Correct answers</p> <ol start="2"> <li>Should distance learning be continued in the future?</li> </ol> <p>7&nbsp;&nbsp; out of&nbsp; 60 agreed</p> <ol start="3"> <li>Distance learning should not exist?!</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;23 out of 60 agreed</p> <ol start="6"> <li>Is the distance learning process difficult for you?</li> </ol> <p>28 out of 60 agreed&nbsp;</p> <ol start="8"> <li>Distance learning format is good, because at this time the control system is weak. 10 out of 41 agreed.</li> <li>Distance learning format is bad because you cannot control your own achievements. 17 out of 41 agreed.</li> </ol> <p>Adapting one's own learning style and activities to the distance format, that is, the possible degree of self-regulation, does not have special „sustainability“.</p> <p>In both cases, the dynamics of the answers clearly show, that the pupil/student positively evaluates asynchronous learning process.&nbsp; Although at the same time&nbsp; they express a kind of preference for&nbsp; „face to face“ learning process.</p> <p>It is a fact that in the modern education process, the role of asynchronous means of communication is very important: learning process has become relatively cheap, we use successfully electronic learning resources as well as participate in online discussions, online conferences, seminars,&nbsp; we receive feedback in real time, discuss problematic issues, etc.</p> <p>Based on the research results, we can conclude that</p> <p>1) the majority of respondents do not have a clearly defined learning style. They do not know what to choose, and at this time they may not be able to establish their own self-regulated style.</p> <p>2) in terms of effectiveness of activity and learning style, students supporting asyn­ch­ronous learning process do not have a high positive coefficient.&nbsp;&nbsp; The so-called&nbsp; „a mixed“ model consisting of asynchronous and synchronous teaching may be the most convenient style of learning&nbsp; for them. Accordingly, attention should be focused on the&nbsp; above mentioned model in&nbsp; further work planning process.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In order to deal with the challenges facing our reality, we must use the most effective right forms of communication and, based on obtained experience&nbsp; we should&nbsp; create a much more effective „teaching space“ in&nbsp; future.&nbsp; All the above-mentioned aspects will actually meet the growing demands of the modern educational process.</p> Maya Firchkhadze Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 To understand the Term „Abkhazia“ in History Textbooks <p>Today, Abkhazia is an occupied territory&nbsp; and Georgian society and students do not have&nbsp; any means to have a direct contact with it. Due to the urgency of the issue, we aimed to research and study the content nomenclature of griffied school textbooks of „Our Georgia“ and „History“ (one of the main edu­ca­tional resources), on the basis of which the student should form a proper idea regarding the term „Abkhazia“; Do they contribute (or to what extent) to the development of those skills, by the operation of which the students will be able to make logical conclusions regarding the given territorial unit, including when dis­cu­ssing territorial problems. The mentioned issue is also relevant from the teaching-methodical point of view, as the national curriculum of the third generation directly requires to conduct&nbsp; the educational process on the basis of conceptual categories and topic development. According to the above mentioned issues, the most important are the materials and resources, which we are going to offer students&nbsp; when studying topics related to „Abkhazia“.</p> <p>The study of the issue showed us, that that the terminological and met­ho­do­logical apparatus, narrative and visual materials presented&nbsp; in the griffied school textbook of „Our Georgia“, „History“ („Our Georgia“, VI grade, student's book, „Klio“ publishing house, 2018; Our Georgia, VI grade, teacher's book., „Klio“ pub­li­shing house, 2018; History, VII grade, 2020, „Logos Press“ publishing house). Book, history, grade VII, 2020, „Logos Press“ publishing house; history, grade VII, 2019, publishing house „Diogene“; teacher's book, history, grade VII, 2019, pub­li­shing house „Diogene“ History, grade VIII, 2020, publishing house „Diogenes“; His­to­ry, Class VIII, 2020, Publishing House „Logos Press“; History, Class IX, Pub­li­shing House „Diogenes“, 2020; History, Class IX, 2020, Publishing House „Logos Press“, student's book) do not allow us to understand thinking of the historical-geographical „Abkhazia“ and see their relationship with both „Georgia“ and „Ge­o­r­gians“. (and, in general, it is not enough to form knowledge about Sanigia-Apshilia-Abazgia and Egris/Lasika). It should be noted,&nbsp; that the exercises are not effective enough and fail to encourage students to establish deeper logical con­ne­c­tions, perform research work&nbsp; and&nbsp; form&nbsp; correct ideas on the mentioned topic.</p> <p>In our opinion, regarding the term „Abkhazia“, students should be offered a variety of narrative material, historical sources, maps and exercises, At the same time, we should actively use media literacy approaches. As a result, we will get the fo­llo­wing:&nbsp; their knowledge, attitudes and ideas about historical-geographical Abkhazia will become deeper and more thorough and they will have the opportunity to develop skills,&nbsp; that allow them to contextualize issues deeply.</p> Maya Pirchkhadze Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The issue of teaching history and the Georgian language in school education in Shida Kartli Mtianeti (Kartli Region highland, so-called South Ossetia) <p>The aim of the paper is to introduce to the general public one segment of the school education system in the occupied Shida Kartli Mtianeti (Kartli Region highland, so-called South Ossetia). The situation of teaching history and Georgian language, which is completely neglected by the local separatist authorities, is specifically discussed. This prevents the local, ethnically Georgian population remaining in the region from learning their native language and getting to know the history of their country. History textbooks are full of unsubstantiated facts and statements presented without evidence. The methodology of teaching history, which is still based on the Soviet Marxist-Bolshevik methodology, is faulty.</p> <p>The report describes the situation before the 2008 war from the point of view of teaching Georgian language and history and what is the situation today. What reforms did the Ossetian side carry out in the post-war period and what is the position of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in relation to the mentioned issues. Assessments and opinions of foreign experts are discussed. Recommendations are proposed to improve the created&nbsp; and the existing situation.</p> <p><em>Methodology:</em> During the research, the historical-comparative research method was used, a study of the existing materials (manuals, documents, informational means and so on) was held, and a content analysis of the collected data was carried out.</p> <p><em>Originality/value:</em> The article discusses the current situation in occupied South Ossetia in terms of school education, the position of the Georgian side regarding the ban on the teaching of the Georgian language and history in schools, and the opinions of foreign experts. The work is of practical importance in terms of providing information and getting to know the current situation for people interested in the field of education, researchers, scientists and simply people who are not indifferent to the issue.</p> Mari kalabegashvili Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 New approaches in school and family relations <p>For many years, the majority of teachers held the belief that parents were incompetent. They deeply believed that it was necessary to correct parents, to point out mistakes and shortcomings, to control the family, as a result of which such forms and methods of communication were formed, which meant instructional mes­sa­ges at meetings and consultations (the dominance of the pedagogue's monologue), which caused negative consequences in the relationship between the teacher and parents.</p> <p>In modern conditions, a different attitude is formed between school and family. This attitude is cooperation and interaction. The main point here is the per­so­nal interactions between teachers and parents during the learning period, which is related to the child's joys and problems, successes and failures.</p> <p>Based on the method of content analysis, old and new approaches are analyzed in the paper and relevant conclusions are drawn in favor of innovative approaches.</p> Leila Sherozia Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Methodology of integrated teaching of Georgian language and literature. Motivation and its types <p><em>In the introducory part</em> the article, first of all, analyzes the importance of teaching-learning, talks about the fact that the teaching-learning process is especially active when it is directed to the student's research interests, and that the concept of teaching-learning includes didactic research, time distribution of teaching activities, teacher and student roles interdependence, determination of anticipatedoutcomes.</p> <p>The focus is also on three levels of any science methodology: general methodology, specific methodology, and private methodology.</p> <p>&nbsp;Two types of teaching methods are presented, in a broad sense, the method-concept - a set of teaching ways and means, and teaching method in a narrow sense-the method involves the determined means of teacher-student interaction under the direct guidance of a teacher, directed at achieving educational, formative and didactic goals.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Research part.</em> Everyone knows that there are the following types of motivation: internal and external, but there is not a proper focus on other types of motivation, which is the objective our study. Hence, we have a positive and negative motivation, sustainable and unsustainable motivation, individual, group and cognitive ones.</p> <p><em>Concluzion.</em> Thus, as we can see, the students succesful learning acivaty as a whole is determined by both external andinternal motivation. Therefore, vhen planning the educational process, the teacher must take into account the motivation ofe the student, which will contribute to the expected success of the student. He should take care not only of the emergence and maintenance of internal motivation, but also of the inclusion of external motives.</p> Levan Jinjikhadze Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Integrated teaching of Georgian language and literature Use of communication technologies in the educational process <p><strong><em>Introducion.</em></strong> The report analyzes the use of communication technologies for the integrated teaching of Georgian language and literature in the teaching process, which are mainly aimed at the search for active methods and organizational forms and are actively used for better conducting the lesson, for cooperative learning, in pairs and groups.</p> <p><em>It is t</em><em>he</em><em> main part</em> of the research educational tasks which must be solved at the lessons to achieve the set goal consist of the following: formation of students' knowledge and skills, so that they will be able to freely express their own opinions and discern other people's ones, both orally and in writing; enrichment of vocabulary; development of skills and their use in teaching grammatical construction in speech; making students' aware of the norms of the Georgian literary language (orthographic, lexical, grammatical); developing skills to be able to construct and evaluate one's own opinion.</p> <p>Activities in which communication technology is implemented can be edu­ca­tional, labor or play. The most important organizational unit in the teaching process is the communicative situation. With the help of its creation, the motivation of the relationship increases; presentation of speech material is possible; speech habits are acquired; students' activity and independence developed; communication skills of students are enhanced.</p> <p><em>Conclusion.</em> The use of communication technologies in the integrated lessons of Georgian language and literature in elementary grades provides an opportunity to teach the student language and literature as a means of communication, getting to know the world and oneself in it; to develop active, creative and critical thinking to master all kinds of speaking activities at the literacy level.</p> Levan Jinjikhadze Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Parliament Elections of October 31, 2020 and Escalation of Political Situation in Georgia <p>Elections are the significant&nbsp; part of the democratic order of a government. Realization of&nbsp; the&nbsp; voting rights&nbsp; by citizens is one of the main forms of their participation in the governance of the state, because the representative bodies should&nbsp; appear to express the state will of the people.</p> <p>&nbsp;2020 was the year of&nbsp; Parliament elections. The election campaign was ca­rried out on a large scale . Each&nbsp; party or block did&nbsp; their best&nbsp; efforts to gain the su­­pport of a significant part&nbsp; of the electorate and to gain&nbsp; success&nbsp; in the election marathon.</p> <p>According to the summarizing protocol of the Parliament Elections&nbsp; of Oc­to­ber 31, 2020, which has been published&nbsp; by the CEC on December 3 of the same year,&nbsp;&nbsp; nine political subjects entered the Parliament.</p> <p>The most of the seats -&nbsp; 90 seats (60 by proportional and 30 by majoritarian order) was won by&nbsp; the&nbsp; party – „Georgian Dream“. The remaining seats were dis­tri­bu­ted among 8 political unions. Among them, the largest number - 36 seats, was won by the party „National Movement“. The political situation became very tense after the Parliamentary elections. Opposition parties have blamed the government for pursuing anti-democratic policies and they&nbsp; made attempts&nbsp; to justify their&nbsp; relationship&nbsp; only by actions through street protests.</p> <p>Regardless of the fact that the USA and the EU recognized the elections as legitimate, there could not be reached a consensus between the government and the opposition. The political process in the country became unmanageable and it appeared in the focus of the EU. The European Union took on the role of mediator in this situation and sent&nbsp;&nbsp; their mission to Georgia&nbsp; in order&nbsp; to defuse tensions between the parties. After long term negotiations, a compromise agreement was reached between the two opposing parties and, as a result, an official document was signed.</p> Nodar Darsania Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Excessive Social Networking Sites Use: a Review of Empirical Research <p>The development of digital technology has brought many benefits to mankind - for majority the Internet is an amazing information tool with many opportunities. But numerous studies conducted over the last two decades have revealed that in some cases, excessive, uncontrolled consumption of these technologies might lead to a number of negative consequences - psychopathological symptoms, health problems, social or occupational disorders, etc., that is, symptoms traditionally associated with psychoactive substance usage or gambling.</p> <p>The article presents a review of foreign literature about this topic, which showed that although mental health problems related to excessive Internet use are no longer debatable, consensus could not be reached on the conceptualization and diagnosis of this phenomenon, which is why it was not recognized as an addiction for neither DSM-5 nor ICD-11. An alternative approach to the concept of addiction is the theory of problematic use, in which the phenomenon is considered not as a pathology, a clinical disorder, but as a cognition that causes more negative effects and behavior, or cognitive-behavioral paradigm - the problem of self-regulation.</p> Ana Zubashvili Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Adaptation of the "Dark Triad" Questionnaire <p>This paper presents the results of the adaptation of the Short Dark Triad (SD3, Jones, Paulhus, 2014) questionnaire on a sample of Georgian youth. The "Dark Triad" encompasses three negative traits – Machiavellianism, non-clinical Narcissism, and Psychopathy, which influence the development of self-concept, dynamics of interpersonal relationships, and career advancement. The idea of exa­mi­ning these three traits as a unified complex originated with Canadian rese­a­r­chers Paulhus and Williams (2002). The traits of the "Dark Triad" manifest similarly, but each contributes uniquely to antisocial behavior.</p> <p>The study involved 464 participants, with a mean age of 21.4±6.2 years. It was shown that the structure of the Georgian version of the questionnaire largely corresponds to the original version. The internal consistency of the Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy scales exceeds 0.7. The correlation between the traits of the "Dark Triad" ranges from 0.30 to 0.43, which aligns with the results of other studies. When compared with dispositional personality traits ("Big Five"), theo­re­tically expected relationships were confirmed: a negative correlation of all three scales (Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy) with Agreeableness, Psy­cho­pathy with Conscientiousness, as well as a positive correlation between Narcissism and Extraversion, and Openness to Experience. Based on the questionnaire's fairly good psychometric properties, the developed Georgian version can be considered a reliable and valid psychodiagnostic tool. It can be used for both research and psychological counseling purposes.</p> Kakhi Kopaliani, Elene Chomakhidze, Ana Zubashvili Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Abkhazian-Circassian Diaspora in Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Russian Federation <p>It should be noted that the Abkhazian and Circassian diasporas are present in the largest numbers in Turkey, Syria and Jordan. They came to these cou­n­tries in the 19th century as a result of mass deportations by the Caucasus War and the Russian Empire.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; And a large influx of ethnic Abkhazians arrived in Russia (Especially Moscow) after the 1992-1993 war. Most of the descendants of Abkhazian Muhajirs live in Tu­r­key. After the 19th century Caucasian War, a significant part of the autochthonous Caucasian population, including Abkhazians, was forced to emigrate to the Ottoman Empire. \Abkhazians are ethnic groups that seek to preserve and develop their own cultural and ethnic identity in the socio-political space of the Turkish state and under existing law.</p> Gela Tsaava Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Danger of So Called Russian Bases For the population of Occupied Abkhazia <p>Military policy of the Russian Federation after the 2008 Russia-Georgia war Regarding the occupied Abkhazia and South Ossetia, it has moved to a new stage. Combat Immediately after the end of the actions, within a few weeks, Ru­ssia both regions declared them as ,,independent republics“, thus qualitatively different A military strategy began to act.</p> <p>The ,,recognition’’ on the part of Russia was accompanied by ,,alliance and strategic“ with the de facto governments of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Signing of Partnership Agreements. In 2010, the governments of the Russian Federation and unrecognized Abkhazia signed a military agreement that is valid for 49 years and every 5 It continues automatically for a year.</p> <p>Dissatisfaction among local Abkhazians is caused by the location of Russian military bases in other regions of Abkhazia besides the Gali region Abkhazians con­si­der it necessary to have a base on the ,,border“ strip, because Georgians should pro­tect themselves with this from the attack of the side, although they believe that in Sukhumi, Ochamchire and other districts There is no need.</p> Gela Tsaava Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Cult and Oath of St. George, as Evidence in Ancient Georgian Law <p>Georgian&nbsp; history, ethnographic heritage and customary law co­n­tains a lot of interesting information about the cult of St. George. In ancient Sa­me­g­re­lo, there was a law of god, in particular the law of St. George. A person suspected of committing a crime was made to swear in front of any powerful- miraculous icons, mo­stly it was the icon of St. George. There are facts of criminals, otherwise not proven to be guilty, being handed down to St. George’s icon. Georgian man is that rare case, when being handed down to an icon, even otherwise not proven guilty, would kneel before the icon, with confession and repentance, which is an obvious sign of deep faith, special awe and respect for St. George.</p> <p>In our work, we pay more attention to the attitude of Georgians towards the church and icon of St. George in Ilori, which indicates that St. The cult of George was part of Georgian customary law. The work is also interesting from a procedural point of view, especially for readers interested in the history of Georgian law.</p> <p>Our paper focuses on icon of St. George of Ilori. It is also interesting form procedural point of view, especially for reader interested in history of Georgian law.</p> Lali Gabisonia Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Prince of Samegrelo By David Dadiani for Secretaries and for Bokaultukhutses Establishment of Official Charter <p>The Chief of Samegrelo, Davit Dadiani, introduced a new charter to the secretaries and Bokaultukhutses through judicial reforms implemented in 1840.</p> <p>The jurisdiction of the Secretary General in the principality of Odisha (Samegrelo), like that of other Georgian kingdoms, was quite wide. In this way the chief sought to curb feudal arbitrariness and the curtailment of their judicial powers.</p> <p>By the decree of the prince, the principality of Samegrelo was divided into eight marzas (Zugdidi, Jvari, Zubi, Sujuni, Satchilao, Martvili, Lailashi and Muri marzas).</p> <p>In the article, on the basis of historical-comparative analysis, the goal of Davit Dadian's reform, the way of implementation and the results of the reform are studied. The identity of the heads of the market and other issues related to the reform have been specified.</p> Badri (Kakha) Kvaratskhelia Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Human Rights Protection Issues at Penitentiary and Probation Services <p>The work discusses the necessity of protection of the rights (guaranteed by constitution) of convicted persons during the serving of sentence and post-serving period by penitentiary and probation services. There are underlined the positive moves, those having course in the system of justice of Georgia and the aim of which is liberalization of punishments; author focuses on efficiency of resocialization and rehabilitation of convicted persons. Besides, it is considered as significant aspect that in operation of penitentiary and probation services steadily should be implemented not only generally accepted declarations or agreements, but the recommendations in line with above mentioned issues adopted by Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe as well.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Tamar Mamniashvili Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Human Rights Protection Problems at the Investigation Stage <p>Unlike to procedural legislation of Western countries, one of negative characteristic sign of Criminal Procedure Code of Georgia was and still remains its instability, which was more related to change of authority. Exactly the changes in the country held in this field have caused not only essential change of former Criminal Procedure Code but its disfiguration as well, which obviously has played the negative role in procedure code`s gradual perfection and improvement standpoint &nbsp;and its natural, as human rights has been roughly violated. The work describes the negative tendencies, those which was held during the governance of former authority, besides there are worked out some references for defects` eradication purposes.</p> Mikheil Mamniashvili, Gimzer Alania Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Importance of the Will From a Criminal and Criminological Point of View <p>Different doctrines of crime and the legislation adopted in accordance with them in some countries may give different places to desire in the criminal act. Also evaluate its meaning differently. Change the place and role of desire in the concept of crime. Everything starts with desire. If there is no desire, then there is no corresponding action. There will be no action, no need to evaluate it. If we say that modern criminal law is the criminal law of action, then we should also add that not any action is important for criminal law, but an action directed by human will (desire). Only such an action can become the subject of a criminal assessment and be negatively evaluated and reprimanded. We cannot rebuke a person for such an action, which he did not commit with his will.</p> <p>An act based on mere knowledge or mere desire cannot give rise to full liability. At the moment of committing an action, there must be both the desire to commit it and the mental awareness (knowledge) of it.&nbsp; we can demand the responsibility of the perpetrator Only for such an action.</p> <p>An action committed without proper desire and knowledge cannot be full-valued from a human-psychological point of view, and therefore cannot deserve a negative assessment from a legal-normative point of view.</p> Edisher Phutkaradze Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Legal and Practical Problems of Preventing Encroachment or Otherwise Interference With the Immovable Property <p>The thesis presents an analysis of alternative legal remedies for the protection of the subject of special legal relations. In parallel with the legal mechanism for granting a claim through a court of law the existence of a "police eviction" there has been an interest in offering relevant recommendations based on a study of the practical and legal problems that have accumulated over the last two decades. The work is done using statistical research, comparative research and analysis methods. The feasibility of the institution of "police eviction" is highlighted in the study. Also, in parallel in parallel to the recognition of the right to property by the Constitution of Georgia, it is necessary not only to define mechanisms for protection in other legal acts under the constitutional norm, but also to enforce the law. Correct assessment of the problem is a prerequisite for a better future for the subject of special legal relations.</p> Shorena Gabichvadze Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Structural forms of denominative verbs and deverbalization tendencies in the southern sub-dialects <p>Deverbative nominal is one of the means of enriching the lexical fund of the language. Derivation of new verbs from it is even more interesting from the standpoint of re-word-formation. The issue becomes even more urgent when a foreign stem is used for derivation.</p> <p>The goal of the paper is to study the denominatives derived from deverbative nominals according to the southern sub-dialects: Ajarian (internal dialect) and Shavshian, Klarjian, Taoian(external dialects); to analyze the verbs which are derived from Georgian and foreign (Eastern) deverbative nominals. Most of the stems of the denominative verbs in southern sub-dialects are <em>infinitive: gvaduni, bla</em><em></em><em>uni, lar</em><em></em><em>uki, perxulobs, ebaduneba, egvaduneba, ebla</em><em></em><em>uneba, elart</em><em></em><em>ukeba, etc.; Some of them have re-doubled stem: cuncrukebs, pukpukebs, </em><em></em><em>ik</em><em></em><em>ikebs</em>. The number of the forms derived from masdar is few: <em>ǯ</em><em>inkvavs, apešvebs</em>. The forms <em>xvaratoba </em>and <em>partoba</em> attested in Taoian are noteworthy. Here dialectisms precede archaisms.</p> <p>It is quite productive to derive new verbs from foreign deverbative nominals, there are especially many denominative verbs derived from infinitive: <em>ta</em><em>γ</em><em>lu</em><em>ǯ</em><em>oba, kibroba, </em><em></em><em>ašmeroba, </em><em></em><em>a</em><em>ǯ</em><em>iroba, pišmanoba, zaxmetoba, mera</em><em></em><em>oba, </em><em></em><em>ehroba, xizmetoba, </em><em></em><em>av</em><em>γ</em><em>boba, čingnoba, hevesoba, dadingleba, dasunnateba, dabarišeba,</em><em> </em><em>a</em><em></em><em>atmišeba, gaterbieleba.</em></p> <p>The perspective of the research is to study in detail the materials and compare them with other dialects of the Georgian language; Also, to analyze denominative verbs according to whether they are derived from foreign stems - more often from nominals or from deverbative nouns.</p> Nato Beridze Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Resultative as a Semantic Actant of the Passive Diatheses <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: .5in;">The theoretical foundation of this research is the theory of diatheses. Diathesis represents the correlation between the conceptual-se­ma­ntic (deep-syntactic) and surface-syntactic components.</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: .5in;">The paper examines passive diatheses in which the subject of the sentence correlates with the semantic actant resultative. The identified groups contain diatheses that differ from each other by the presence or absence of additional semantic-syntactic correlations. The aim of the study is to determine the additional semantic-syntactic correlations that differentiate various diatheses, in which the subject correlates with the resultative. During the analysis of the factual material, nine types of passive diatheses were identified, where the main correlation is between the subject and the resultative, and their relative distribution was established. The study also aims to determine the semantics of verb predicates. As a result of the semantic classification of the verb predicates in the examined diatheses, their semantic classes and their share in literary dialogue were identified.</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: .5in;">The study used sentences containing verbs in passive forms. The examples were selected from dialogues in plays and prose works by contemporary American and British writers.</p> Emma Kilanava Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Collocations Depicting Rituals Related to the Cult of the Dead in Svan (Ethnolinguistic Analysis) <p>In ethnolinguistics, the term collocation refers to various stereotyped behaviors (customs, rituals) reinforced by tradition, which are expressed by a solid linguistic unit. Svan language is characterized by the richness, variety, and archaicness of vocabulary, phraseology, and collocations depicting different tra­ditions and customs.</p> <p>More than two dozen collocations depicting customs and rituals related to the cult of the soul and the dead are revealed in the Svan language. <em>Lakhorte lisi</em> <em>(ლ</em><em>ა­ლ­ხო­რთე ლი</em><em>ზ</em><em>ი</em><em>)</em> refers to the gathering of souls and making future decisions about what will happen in the coming year; <em>Likungweshi (</em><em>ლიქუნგვეში</em><em>)</em> includes rituals re­­lated to the cult of the dead; <em>Kwini litkhe </em><em>(</em><em>ქვინი ლიტხე</em><em>)</em> means returning of the soul; <em>Khocha Lakun </em><em>(ხოჩა ლაქუნ)</em> meaning heaven, a literal translation is „good abode of souls“, etc.The publication presents an ethnolinguistic analysis of these co­llo­cations. The context and structure of the use of collocations are studied.</p> <p>Studies have shown that, according to the structure, there are collocations in Svan that are characterized by a verb component and a subject component <em>Khocha </em><strong> </strong><em>La­kun </em><em>(ხოჩა ლაქუნ</em> meaning heaven, a literal translation is „good abode of souls“, <em>Jodi Ham </em><em>(ჯოდი ჰამ)</em> meaning ritual of sending away souls, a literal translation is „long morning“). In Kartveliology, it is considered that Svan is the most archaic among the Kartvelian languages. Accordingly, the ethnolinguistic research of Svan phraseology and collocations related to customs and rituals provides an opportunity to make extremely interesting conclusions.</p> Ketevan Margiani Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Linguocultural features of ceramic ware vocabulary <p>The worldwide distribution of ceramics and its variety of types and diverse vocabulary make it an important source of research in terms of history, culture, linguistics, and linguioculturology. Ceramic vocabulary was formed and de­ve­loped under the influence of linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The terminology of ceramic production is interesting from its structural, semantic, linguocultural and conceptual points of view.</p> <p> The paper deals with the problem of the ceramic vocabulary of the modern English and Georgian languages, the purpose of which is to analyze the ceramic terminology, considering their structural and linguocultural peculiarities. </p> Manana Shelia Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 True Writing, an Honest Mediator of Friendship Between Nations (Dali Tsaava) <p>Objective and task of the paper subject to analysis: more or less study and analyzing of poetical rhetoric of Georgian poetess, Dali Tsaava acting in Abkhazia. To our minds Dali Tsaava’s too unusual work, her attitude to the topic on Abkhazia and generally her work has not been yet studied and duly acknowledged. We have no any scientific studies. In our minds it is essential and inevitable to have scientifically studied poetess’ life and creative aspects considering both the study of literary texts and expression of Georgian-Abkhazian literary relations and boundless love of poetess towards Abkhazia and reflection of boundless dramatic nature caused due to the loss of Abkhazia.</p> <p>The paper includes verses full of pain and desperation caused due to the loss of Abkhazia. Here are also included the verses reflecting loneliness and despair of poetess. We also review Dali Tsaava’s way of life. Notwithstanding the paucity of information, we managed to find memories of the coevals of poetess.</p> <p>Study and popularization of Dali Tsaava’s creation is the purpose of our study that will facilitate in the restoration of broken relations between fraternal Georgian and Abkhazian nations. To our minds the present youth is to be more informed about frank relations and great love between Georgian and Abkhazian nations/ Dali Tsaa­va’s poetical rhetoric is exact proof of aforesaid fact.</p> <p>Hermeneutical, narrative and comparative methods are applied in the paper. The scientific news and practical task of the paper is that we have no interesting literary critical analysis and scientific study on the poetess’ creation.</p> Nana Arakhamia Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Conceptosphere of Dariko Pipia's Poems <p>The richness of a language is defined not only by its extensive vo­ca­bulary and grammatical capabilities but also by the diversity of its conceptual sphere. The conceptual sphere is formed by the set of concepts, which function as semantic units. This sphere corresponds to the mentality, which reflects a way of perceiving the world.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This paper examines the poems of the Georgian poet Dariko Phiphia, published in her 2020 collection. The conceptual sphere of these poems stands out, cha­ra­c­te­rized by unique poetic structure, emotions, and the unity of feeling. The study of concepts provides insight into a person's mental world. In Dariko Phiphia’s poems, the concept of "the sun" frequently appears, functioning as a key element in expressing the central idea. The collection is titled <em>Two Suns</em>, where the sun do­mi­na­tes as a universal image and symbol of eternity. In Phiphia's work, the symbol of the sun carries numerous connotative meanings, including biblical, archetypal, myt­ho­lo­gical, astronomical, and poetic interpretations.</p> Tamila Zviadadze Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Abkhazia in a poetic narrative Marine Turava`s Verse Collection „Sokhumi-Tbilisi“ <p>Goals and Aims: The aim of the article is to study anticipations of the verse-collection „Sokhumi-Tbilisi“ of the outstanding representative of Georgian Postmodernism Marine Turava – in the narrative, written in Sokhumi. The goal of the article is to analyze of definite verses and the verse-collection in whole, the personal pain, transformed into high-level poetry. We have underlined that among Sokhumi and Tbilisi there is not only the space, but the time as well. We will study chronotope of the verses.&nbsp;</p> <p>Methodology: Depending on the aims and objectives of the thesis, we used several research methods – comparative and typological research methods to group the texts and to summarize the main, general and specific issues of the topic. Also, methods of observation, abstraction, analysis and synthesis are used.&nbsp;</p> <p>Novelty and Practical Value: Marine Turava is an outstanding researcher as well (Literary Prizes „Saguramo“, „Chveni Mtserloba“). Without analysis of her poetry it will be impossible to understand of poetical reflections of war in Abkhazia. The novelty of the article is the presentation of the most versatile anticipative thematic kaleidoscope.&nbsp; The article may be included in higher education curriculums.</p> Nana Kutsia, Miranda Todua Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A paradigm of a sailor and a traveler in Edgar Poe’s and Galaktion Tabidze’s creative works <p>The sea and the ocean are conceived by the American creator Edgar Poe and the Georgian poet Galaktion Tabidze in accordance with the Bible, Theology and in their surmounting they imply the elevation over the sins, getting over the difficulties and the mistletoes.</p> <p>At the same time in their creative works the sea and the ocean are the symbols of genius, wisdom and beneficiation of converseness, the perception of the unperceived are connected with a great effort about they with their superhuman enthusiasm light all kinds of difficulties and active cherished goals.</p> <p>The image of a sailor and a traveler is the creator’s paradigm which must go around the world.</p> <p>Spiritually, assume everlasting problems and with a sailor’s enthusiasm must defeat all kinds of misfortunes but a canvas, a pole, a sail which lead these sailors in the sea and the oceans are the symbols of the talent bestowing holy spirit.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The paper analyzes the paradigm of the sailor and the traveler in the works of Edgar Allan Poe and Galaktion Tabidze, based on the comparative method.</p> Luara Sordia Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Abkhazia In the Hagiographic Work of Giorgi Merchule <p>Georgian hagiography reflected the political-social, ideological and cultural-historical situation of different parts of Georgia, the kingdom, the principality, which also has the context of the physical condition and symbolic understanding of a certain geographical space. The area of ​​activity of these works is Kartli, Kakheti, South Georgia, Western Georgia; Each of them is referred to by different names in different historical epochs. The reflection of Abkhazia in Georgian hagiography is a problem that includes the depiction of the actions and events taking place here on the basis of the political-ideological and cultural background of Abkhazia as Western Georgia of the VIII-X centuries. Or related to it.</p> <p>I will single out the following from the Georgian hagiographic works of X centuries St. The Life of Grigol Khantsteli by Giorgi Merchule, in which the main characters' working area extends to Abkhazia. Hagiographic work Giorgi Merchule present the political-ideological, religious-ecclesiastical, social and cultural situation of one epoch.&nbsp;</p> <p>The working area of ​​the holy characters of the above three works is Abkhazia, which is a political-cultural space as an integral part of „Every Kartli“, with which the state language and religion have in common with the land, the territory. The point of view expressed in the hagiographic works of Giorgi Merchule – „Kartli is the one of the states where the worship of the God in the churches are in Georgian and Greece cyrillicon „Lord have Mercy“ is made in Georgian (stories 1963/1964; 290). - Reaches and includes Abkhazia as a full-fledged part and member of „Every Kartli“. „Prayer is every“ is a complete liturgical process and it is performed in Georgian on the territory of „Every Kartli“, and „Kurieleison“ in Greek, in Georgian „Lord, have mercy“ or „Lord, have mercy on you“ unites the Georgian Church with the whole Orthodox world, thus strengthening the unity of churches.</p> <p>Due to the genre specificity of the hagiographic literature, the theme of Abkhazia is not and could not be leading in the named work, because the purpose of the hagiography is to show the image of a saint. Political-ideological, social, cultural background The hagiographer needs to better imagine the face of a saint, but in reality it also shows the situation in which they have to live, work, martyr end.</p> <p>Therefore, the historical facts and historical geographical area presented in hagiography are important, because hagiography is the best historical source to reflect these events and space, especially since the historical works reflecting the situation in modern Georgia about George Merchuli have not survived. Late historians tell us.</p> Nestan Sulava Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000