Hostilities in Abkhazia in March 1993


  • Otar Dolidze Sokhumi State University



On March 14, 1993 the separatists launched a large-scale attack on the Gumista front. Along with mercenary fighters, they were supported by Russian units with weapons, ammunition, as well as maneuvering, air and artillery ca­pa­bilities.

The separatists were able to breech through the Georgian defense front line, penetrate deep into the positions of the Georgian side and develop an attack towards the outskirts of Sukhumi. However, by 17:00 on March 16 the Georgian defense front line was restored as a result of self-sacrificing battles of Georgian units and a timely counterattack. After that, on the morning of March 17 the Georgian forces launch offensive operation and completely cleared the left side of Gumista River.

Since the beginning of the war, the separatists have not experienced such a big loss in any of the battles, they were psychologically demoralized, so the favorable situation for the counter-attack on the Gumista front was quite ripe for the Georgian side, which could play a critical role in the war in Abkhazia and even bring a decisive victory to the Georgian side. However, this did not happen.

After the battles of March peaceful environment settled down on the Gumista front for a short time. The Abkhazian side, unlike the Georgian side, used the mentioned peace pause to strengthen its positions.


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History, Archeology, Ethnology