Danger of So Called Russian Bases For the population of Occupied Abkhazia


  • Gela Tsaava Sokhumi State University




Abkhazia, Russia, Military bases, Occupation


Military policy of the Russian Federation after the 2008 Russia-Georgia war Regarding the occupied Abkhazia and South Ossetia, it has moved to a new stage. Combat Immediately after the end of the actions, within a few weeks, Ru­ssia both regions declared them as ,,independent republics“, thus qualitatively different A military strategy began to act.

The ,,recognition’’ on the part of Russia was accompanied by ,,alliance and strategic“ with the de facto governments of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Signing of Partnership Agreements. In 2010, the governments of the Russian Federation and unrecognized Abkhazia signed a military agreement that is valid for 49 years and every 5 It continues automatically for a year.

Dissatisfaction among local Abkhazians is caused by the location of Russian military bases in other regions of Abkhazia besides the Gali region Abkhazians con­si­der it necessary to have a base on the ,,border“ strip, because Georgians should pro­tect themselves with this from the attack of the side, although they believe that in Sukhumi, Ochamchire and other districts There is no need.


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Political Sciences, Sociology, Psychology