Brian George Hewitt's ,,Abkhazian Sympathies’’ and Anti-Georgia Attitudes


  • Gela Tsaava Georgian American University (GAU)



Occupied Abkhazia, Brian George Hewitt, Conflict, Anti-Georgian Sentiments


The report discusses the anti-Georgian sentiments of George Brian Hewitt. Hewitt says that the protracted conflict between Georgians and Abkhazians will only come to an end with Georgia's recognition of Abkhazia's independence and after that it will be possible to return the IDPs to the region. Hewitt says that Abkhazian’s hatred of Georgians is still very strong. So only the distant future can be talked about. He believes that when Georgians recognize the independence of occupied Abkhazia and as neighbors, restore friendly relations, then they will live side by side in peace. With a falsified history, Hewitt will repeatedly try to portray the unbearable existence of Abkhazians in the conditions of „Georgian colonialism“, to describe their selfless struggle for independence.


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