The role and importance of social norms in the field of public relations regulation


  • Lali Gabisonia Sokhumi State University



social norms, society, law, relations, custom, regulation


This paper addresses one of the most important issues in both legal theory and legal history: social norms and their impact on the regulation of public relations. The purpose of the research is twofold: 1. Demonstrate the role and importance of the history of law as an independent field of legal science for such a fundamental branch of legal science as the theory of law. The theory of law forms into concepts and provisions what the history of the state and law, as a result of long observations of events, conveys in the form of a kind of „raw material“. It is as a result of proper analysis and study of this material that the theory of law, using the formal-legal method, forms separate concepts, reveals the main characteristics. In this case we are talking about social norms, its concept and varieties, the role of a particular social norm and its genesis. 2. The aim of the research is also: to show the importance of social norms in the process of creating norms regulating public relations. In many cases, the legislator improperly deepens the role and importance of other social norms in creating the rule of law, which significantly complicates the law enforcement process, as the society finds it difficult to comply with laws that are foreign to its consciousness: the moral-moral-customary social reality. The law is a kind of garment on the body of a society, in its creation it is necessary to select the right parameters of a given society or to take into account the social norms that are characteristic of this society and have been established by the society for centuries. In the context of globalization, the main mission of society is to maintain its identity and self-regulation, for which the state needs to legislate, take into account the existing social norms that have been maintained for centuries and some new social norms, adapt them to modern requirements, improve law enforcement processes. In creating this paper, we have used both analysis and synthesis methods, co­mp­arative-historical method, problem method and formal-legal method.


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