System of supporting documents in Georgia in the XVII-XVIII centuries


  • Kakha (Badri) Kvaratskhelia Sokhumi State University



Georgia, XVII-XVIII centuries, Vakhtang VI, law book, Evidence document, oath, shanty, sword, witness, penitence


The paper examines one of the important problems of the old Georgian the late feudal era, namely in the XVII-XVIII centuries, compared to the law - the system of supporting documents, which was given a different look in developed feudal era (XI-XIII centuries) in Georgia It was given a different look.During the feudal disintegration of Georgia, in the era of political and legal influence of Iran and Ottomans, the system of supporting documents changed its face. But this difference that arose in the Georgian kingdom - principalities was ended by the creation of the law book of Vakhtang VI.  Because the law of Vakhtang became the main document of the legal system of all Georgian kingdoms. Many types of supporting documents were known to the judicial system of late feudal Georgia of the XVII-XVIII centuries: Article 6 of the Law Book of Vakhtang VI deals with the following types of evidence:   The first is the oath, second - hot arrow, third-boiling, fourth-sword, fifth-witness, sixth-sin. In the work, based on the law book of Vakhtang VI, the system of evidentiary documents characteristic of the Georgian court of the XVII-XVIII centuries is studied.


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