Modern Georgian national identity and formation of a political nation


  • Guram Abesadze Sokhumi State University
  • Nodar Abesadze Sokhumi State University



national identity, political transition, Georgian statehood, political nation, political actor, Orthodox Church


 In the present scientific work, the modern Georgian national identity and the problem of the formation of a political nation are studied. During the research, the comparative research method, the spatial and temporal analysis of the systemic and structural-functional and political situation is mainly used. The modern world order has made the formation of national identity a topical issue. Modern Georgian identity is undergoing a transformation according to the new time. The role of national identity is particularly important in the political transition. It is a dimensional criterion of modern Georgian statehood. The most important condition for a modern democratic transition is the formation of a political nation. Georgian political space is polarized, which hinders the formation of a political nation. State consciousness must become a characteristic feature of the nation. Achieving national consolidation and integration remains a problem. A special role in the formation of a political nation is played by the actors of the political space. The formation of a consolidated democracy depends on their political culture and intellect. In the conditions of political polarization and institutional vacuum, the Georgian Orthodox Church has a clear position; Its functions in the political space are growing even more.


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