Forms and methods of using mustherapy with students with disabilities


  • Lela Rekhviashvili Sokhumi State University



mouse therapy, methods, disabled students, emotion, cognition, impression, game, melody, attention, positive dynamics


Music can become an indispensable tool for the pedagogical regulation of nor­mal and developmental problematic school children, as well as children with difficult living conditions and deviant behavior.In a public school a teacher can successfully use the potential of music when wor­king with students with disabilities. The forms and methods of this impact are quite di­verse. The main thing is that is does not involve force and the student expresses his re­adiness to interact with music.The singing genre is especially close and accessible to children. Singing regulates breathing rhythm, pulse, pressure, temperature, relieves tension. Therefore, a precisely selected melody has a beneficial effect on them and accelerates recovery. Perceiving (listening to) music is a very favorite and interesting activity for chil­dren. The teacher can offer the children to listen to specially selected musical works and discuss their own feelings, thoughts, memories evoked in the process. Next, the imp­ression is created - the face (painting, made of plasticine or clay). This method helps the child to open, to "hear" inner harmony, to relieve stress.Using games is very effective when working with children with disabilities. Solving corrective tasks in the form of a game allows children and adults to create a benevolent, emotionally charged atmosphere of joint creativity, encourages each child to participate in the learning process, helps to maintain cognitive interest and attention.The combination of music and play evokes a lot of emotions, children enjoy en­gaging in activities. They are willing to perform actions that they are not capable of in other subjects. They have a desire to interact with each other and their superiors, to im­itate the actions of those around them. Cognitive tasks are also solved: children recognize familiar melodies, guess the sound of different instruments, ie the positive dynamics of auditory perception, memory, attention formation becomes visible.It is through musical games that children begin to sing and utter simple words, while in normal life they experience some difficulty in mastering active speech.


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