Adaptation of the "Dark Triad" Questionnaire


  • Kakhi Kopaliani Sokhumi State University
  • Elene Chomakhidze Sokhumi State University
  • Ana Zubashvili Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University



Short Dark Triad questionnaire, Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy, psychometric characteristics


This paper presents the results of the adaptation of the Short Dark Triad (SD3, Jones, Paulhus, 2014) questionnaire on a sample of Georgian youth. The "Dark Triad" encompasses three negative traits – Machiavellianism, non-clinical Narcissism, and Psychopathy, which influence the development of self-concept, dynamics of interpersonal relationships, and career advancement. The idea of exa­mi­ning these three traits as a unified complex originated with Canadian rese­a­r­chers Paulhus and Williams (2002). The traits of the "Dark Triad" manifest similarly, but each contributes uniquely to antisocial behavior.

The study involved 464 participants, with a mean age of 21.4±6.2 years. It was shown that the structure of the Georgian version of the questionnaire largely corresponds to the original version. The internal consistency of the Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy scales exceeds 0.7. The correlation between the traits of the "Dark Triad" ranges from 0.30 to 0.43, which aligns with the results of other studies. When compared with dispositional personality traits ("Big Five"), theo­re­tically expected relationships were confirmed: a negative correlation of all three scales (Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy) with Agreeableness, Psy­cho­pathy with Conscientiousness, as well as a positive correlation between Narcissism and Extraversion, and Openness to Experience. Based on the questionnaire's fairly good psychometric properties, the developed Georgian version can be considered a reliable and valid psychodiagnostic tool. It can be used for both research and psychological counseling purposes.


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Political Sciences, Sociology, Psychology