Integrated teaching of Georgian language and literature Use of communication technologies in the educational process


  • Levan Jinjikhadze Sokhumi State University



communication technologi, integrated lessons, cooperative learning, language and literature


Introducion. The report analyzes the use of communication technologies for the integrated teaching of Georgian language and literature in the teaching process, which are mainly aimed at the search for active methods and organizational forms and are actively used for better conducting the lesson, for cooperative learning, in pairs and groups.

It is the main part of the research educational tasks which must be solved at the lessons to achieve the set goal consist of the following: formation of students' knowledge and skills, so that they will be able to freely express their own opinions and discern other people's ones, both orally and in writing; enrichment of vocabulary; development of skills and their use in teaching grammatical construction in speech; making students' aware of the norms of the Georgian literary language (orthographic, lexical, grammatical); developing skills to be able to construct and evaluate one's own opinion.

Activities in which communication technology is implemented can be edu­ca­tional, labor or play. The most important organizational unit in the teaching process is the communicative situation. With the help of its creation, the motivation of the relationship increases; presentation of speech material is possible; speech habits are acquired; students' activity and independence developed; communication skills of students are enhanced.

Conclusion. The use of communication technologies in the integrated lessons of Georgian language and literature in elementary grades provides an opportunity to teach the student language and literature as a means of communication, getting to know the world and oneself in it; to develop active, creative and critical thinking to master all kinds of speaking activities at the literacy level.


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