Methodology of integrated teaching of Georgian language and literature. Motivation and its types


  • Levan Jinjikhadze Sokhumi State University



Georgian, language, literature, integration, teaching, types of motivation, teacher, student, methodology


The article, first of all, analyzes the importance of teaching-learning, talks about the fact that the teaching-learning process is especially active when it is directed to the student's research interests, and that the concept of teaching-learning includes didactic research, time distribution of teaching activities, teacher and student roles interdependence, determination of anticipatedoutcomes. The focus is also on three levels of any science methodology: general methodology, specific methodology, and private methodology. Two types of teaching methods are presented, in a broad sense, the method-co­n­cept - a set of teaching ways and means, and teaching method in a narrow sense-the method involves the determined means of teacher-student interaction under the direct guidance of a teacher, directed at achieving educational, formative and didactic goals. Everyone knows that there are the following types of motivation: internal and external, but there is not a proper focus on other types of motivation, which is the objective our study. Hence, we have a positive and negative motivation, sustainable and unsus­t­ainable motivation, individual, group and cognitive ones.


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