
  • Marine Kakachia Sokhumi State University
  • Ketevan Margiani Sokhumi State University



concept, Georgian languages, word formation, root, identical, morphological-semantic, unified, linguistic, system


We have studied several concepts in order to find out what is common and different in Kartvelian linguistic data and how well they fit into a single lexical-semantic system. This time we studied the concept of the day in Svan and Megrelian-Laz. This concept is universal because it is present in any culture. It is an ancient concept of humanity, which reflects the basic characteristics of man, mind and intellectual abilities. „Day“ is defined in the dictionary of the Georgian language:

  1. The period of time from sunrise to sunset, the time from dawn to dusk;
  2. The period of time which contains 24 hours and which, as a calendar unit, has its name - day and night. there are seven days in a week;
  3. Such a period of time or a part of it, which is intended for something // for any activity (for work, leisure ...);
  4. Any number, date, month dedicated to any event - something remarkable day;
  5. In figurative sense -. Life, being.The concept of day in Kartvelian includes various semantic poems, phraseologies, which show a person's attitude to time, its course, as well as life expectancy and his fate or misfortune. These ancient and important time-related lexemes use one root for word production in Georgian, Svan and Megrelian-Laz languages ​​(დღ) -დღა/დღე/დეღ (dgha/dghe/degh), from which the morphological-semantic indicators of lexical units obtained are completely identical in Kartvelian languages. These coincidences allow us to conclude that the concept “Day” reflects a unified system in Kartvelian.


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