Ethnolinguistics of the Dali (resp. Kodori) Gorge


  • Ketevan Margiani Sokhumi State University



Dali valley, ethnolinguistics, archeology, toponymy, anthroponyms, hydronyms, ethnonyms


Ethnolinguistics of the Dali Gorge covers and integrates thematically  key and kartvelologically topical  themes such as the Bronze Age and Hellenistic archa-e­o­logical sites; history of Kodori Gorge; early medieval fortresses, sites of former churches, houses for  prayers and Christian monuments; onomastics (toponymy, anthroponymy, theonymy, hydronymy, zoonymy) of Dali Gorge; Kodorian  Svan speech (interference  picture, ethnolinguistic aspects) ... Consequently, interest in the Kodori Gorge, or Dali country (as the travelers  of early periods call it!) is multifaceted. Dali Gorge is a historical part of the West Georgia, Apkhazia. In the antique epoch it was called Mivsianeti or Misimianeti, in the middle ages  - Dali Gorge, in XIX century – Tsebelda Dali Sabokaulo (the area controlled by a certain police department), in the Soviet epoch it was called Apkhazian Svaneti, and in  XXI century – Upper Apkhazia. Such a variety of the names speaks for itself, of the importance and special role of this gorge in the history of Georgia. After well-known facts taken place in 2008, residents from Kodori live under refugee status in various regions of Georgia – Imereti, Kvemo Kartli, Svaneti, also Russian Federation and Europe… Discourse of Kodori residents is an interesting segment of Svan and generally Georgian dialectologic field; From 80s of last century to present we work with the residents of Dali Gorge for the purpose of collection and systematization of onomastic and ethnolinguistic materials. Svaneti of Dvali is situated on the southern flanks of Western Caucasus on the upper part of river Kodori Valley, at 70 km distance from the sources. From the north it is bordered by Autonomous Region of Karachy-Cherkess Republic. History of Dali Gorge is being lost in distant past. According to the conclusion made by archeologists, both ancient Stone Age and Bronze and following age archeological monuments are found in Kodori Gorge that stating that the region was settled there from early age; here is considered Tsebeldi culture and Post-Tsebeldi monuments of material culture (Japaridze 2009, pg. 650, Trapsh 1963, pg. 258); it is supposed that yet in the 3rd millennium B.C. through Kluchor pass regular relations used to be established among completely different ethnos, but in the epoch of mass movement of population – IV-VII cc. Kodori Gorge was one of the most important ways between Byzantine and Central Asia (Bondarev 1981, pg. 89).  It is considered that due to very advantageous geographic location and strategic importance for centuries Dali Gorge had undergone many problems as a result of movement, or accommodation of persons and tribes that to some extent is reflected in the toponymy, existence, spiritual and material culture of this region. Out of sacred places of Dali Gorge, among Christian monuments and church ruins special importance is drawn to: X century’s Shikeri St. George Church at the sources of Kodori in Omarishara; Azhara St. George Church; Nalkhvami; ruins in the proximity of Kluchor pass in Sakeni, Chkhalta and Latash that according to the awareness of local residents had to be basilica type church ruins that are considered as sacred places. Chkhalta St. George Church is constructed on adjacent Chikhari/Chikharisi territory of Misimians’ main historical fortress; Svan Discourse of Dali Gorge is famous with its interference. It is very interesting segment of Georgian dialectological field; It is well known standpoint that it is impossible to study history, past and language of people without toponymy. Indeed, toponymy is called as a “language of earth”, because in the event of “beginning to speak” it is impossible to let out many secrets…  (Tskhadaia  2007: 5). Many famous researchers or kartvelologists got interested in Svan toponymy. Significant conclusions are also made as a result of study and research: analysis of toponymical material of Svaneti and its adjacent territories is clearly stated by the references of ancient Greek historian Strabo. In the toponymy of racha-Lechkhumi, Upper Svaneti and mountainous Samegrelo is obviously found the sign of Svan language meaning that once this territory was inhabited by Svans. Similar track is also found on the land of northern Caucasus. It is stated by that toponyms: Khumar (comp.­Tskhumari),Ushkalan (comp. Ushkul) andothers…­(Chumbu­rid­ze,­ 2007­:­ 34); (Lavrov,1956: 78). Microtoponimy of Dali Gorge is characterized by the abundance of environment describing terms. The Geographical phenomena and lexemes, such as – ravine, gorge, rock, the places where there used to be towers there, lake, mountain, brook, pass, hill, hillock, knoll, grassland, tower, cliff, slope, risen river, landslip, waterfall, mountain top… Including morphemoids – down, downwards, up, upward, eastern-western... Out of toponymys of Dali Gorge in the “Census of Kingdom of Georgia” written by Vakhushti Bagrationi in the 18th century we find Kodori as hydronym… It is very important fact that in order to note Svans’ tribe the term Svani for the first time was mentioned by Strabo under the transcription Soan in the first century. Many Georgian or foreign researchers used to relate Svaneti etimologically to abbey (Savane): Svaneti < Savane. Thus, Kodorian  Svan Discourse of Dali Gorge has interferential nature. Here is revealed mutual influence of  Svan  Upper Bal  and  Lower Bal  dialects on all levels of lingual hierarchy – in phonetics, morphology and syntax. Now we paid attention on the declination of names/nouns, namely on ergatives. At the next stage of our study under the basis of complete procession and analyzing ofmaterial will be revealed as to how this interference provides basis for the separation of Kodorian  Discourse as a separate dialect. According to the ethnolinguistic and linguoculturological standpoint it is very interesting that lingual variety, diversity, completely different chronology of term and various lingual lineage is noteworthy for the toponymy of Dali Gorge; The gorge enjoys the most advantageous geographical location  - Klukhori, Naharvi, Marukhi - Dali Gorge is the shortest way that connects the seaside region of the West Georgia with the North Caucasus. That explains special importance and strategic functions assigned to this territory in every historical epoch. Toponymy of Dali’s Gorge is characterized by lingual diversity and absolutely different chronology of designation. Kodori Gorge toponyms mentioned in antique period and middle centuries sources (Pusta,Chikhari/Chkhalta, Lagvana, Shekeri/Shikeri, Bokeri/-Bikeri…) are basically of Svan origin.  The main characteristic of Dali Gorge modern toponymy is its lingual diversity: Names of several summer pastures, mountains, villages and rivers (Armua, Achara, Adzgara, Soipsara.. ) are of Abkhazian origin, whe­reas names of most villages and passes, the whole microtoponymy, most hydronyms, drimonyms (names of forests) and oikonyms (Gentsish, Naharv, Kodor, Khuarash, Lata, Saken, Altsunesga, Gvandrala, Saknara...) are basically of Svan origin.    Megrelian, Russian and other names of uncertain etymology within Dali Gorge Geographical nomenclature are met very rarely. Microtoponymy of Dali Gorge is known by the abundance and variety of the terms of landscape and natural geo­g­ra­phic environment. Study of onomastic, folk and linguistic materials of Dali Gorge in general Ge­o­rgian dialectological field under ethnolinguistic, interferential, lingu­o­cu­lturological aspects enables us to have made quite interesting conclusions.


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