Disputed Ownership of „Free Svaneti“ Estate According to „Japaridze's Blood document“


  • Levan Gvichiani Sokhumi State University




Japaridze's Blood Certificate, Free Svaneti, Borders, Toponyms, Traditional Beliefs, Fatherland


The purpose of this work is to study the disputed ownership of the estate as documented in the "Japaridze's Blood Certificate." The document has been published numerous times by different authors and is well studied in terms of pa­leo­graphy, date of writing a deed is investigated, as well as, its historical signi­fi­cance, and the transfer of paternity, geo, and hydro toponyms. However, the main objectives of issuing the document, which aimed to establish feudal relationships in the free society of Svanthet and to subject it to the royal government, have re­ce­ived less atte­n­tion. The study examines the internal borders of "free Svaneti" as recorded in written monuments of Svaneti, also are identified the toponyms and the names of the places that have been in the "Japaridze’s Blood Certificate". Research Method: This paper uses a historical-comparative method and a cyclic study method, conducts a contextual analysis of Blood Certificate, to study the controversial issues of the ownership of "Free Svaneti", and clarifies its historical-sustainable value. Scientific Novelty of the work: based on study, the identity of the author of one of the anonymous publications of the source, have been identified. For the first time, the events conveyed in the certificate, the historical piercing, and the traditional historical reality were studied in detail. Determining the reasons for the decline in the geo -shaped boundaries of "Svaneti".


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