Abkhazia "issue" and Western European states (England, Fra-nce, Germany) in 1918-1920


  • Vakhtang Chania Sokhumi State University




The paper discusses the issue of Abkhazia in the foreign policy of the leading states of Western Europe, England, France and Germany, in 1918-1920. Du­ring the years of the existence of the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921), Abkhazia was a constituent part of the state of Georgia, and the then go­ve­rnment of Georgia tried to overcome the separatist sentiments in the region.  Our goal is to obse­r­ve, against the background of the strengthened interests of the leading European sta­tes towards the South Caucasus, what was their attitude towards the Abkhazia problem.

In the work, based on the historical-comparative method of analyzing the historical sources and scientific literature surrounding the issue, the historical picture of 1918-1929 is restored and the conclusions are drawn: in the international politics of the leading European countries (England, France, Italy), the "issue" of Abkhazia did not become a separate issue. No point of discussion. The neighboring countries (England, France, Italy) and the USA unconditionally recognized the territorial integrity of the Democratic Republic of Georgia. As for Germany, its government considered Abkhazia (Sukhumi district) in all official meetings and documents as an organic part of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, and would not spare military force if Georgia's independence and territorial integrity were threatened.


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History, Archeology, Ethnology