The Resultative as a Semantic Actant of the Passive Diatheses


  • Emma Kilanava Sokhumi State University



Resultative, Passive Diatheses, Semantic Actant, English language


The theoretical foundation of this research is the theory of diatheses. Diathesis represents the correlation between the conceptual-se­ma­ntic (deep-syntactic) and surface-syntactic components.

The paper examines passive diatheses in which the subject of the sentence correlates with the semantic actant resultative. The identified groups contain diatheses that differ from each other by the presence or absence of additional semantic-syntactic correlations. The aim of the study is to determine the additional semantic-syntactic correlations that differentiate various diatheses, in which the subject correlates with the resultative. During the analysis of the factual material, nine types of passive diatheses were identified, where the main correlation is between the subject and the resultative, and their relative distribution was established. The study also aims to determine the semantics of verb predicates. As a result of the semantic classification of the verb predicates in the examined diatheses, their semantic classes and their share in literary dialogue were identified.

The study used sentences containing verbs in passive forms. The examples were selected from dialogues in plays and prose works by contemporary American and British writers.


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