The issue of teaching history and the Georgian language in school education in Shida Kartli Mtianeti (Kartli Region highland, so-called South Ossetia)


  • Mari kalabegashvili Sokhumi State University// 88th public school of Tbilisi



Kartli Region highland, Occupied region, schools, history, Georgian language, teaching, positions of parties, recommendations


The aim of the paper is to introduce to the general public one segment of the school education system in the occupied Shida Kartli Mtianeti (Kartli Region highland, so-called South Ossetia). The situation of teaching history and Georgian language, which is completely neglected by the local separatist authorities, is specifically discussed. This prevents the local, ethnically Georgian population remaining in the region from learning their native language and getting to know the history of their country. History textbooks are full of unsubstantiated facts and statements presented without evidence. The methodology of teaching history, which is still based on the Soviet Marxist-Bolshevik methodology, is faulty.

The report describes the situation before the 2008 war from the point of view of teaching Georgian language and history and what is the situation today. What reforms did the Ossetian side carry out in the post-war period and what is the position of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in relation to the mentioned issues. Assessments and opinions of foreign experts are discussed. Recommendations are proposed to improve the created  and the existing situation.

Methodology: During the research, the historical-comparative research method was used, a study of the existing materials (manuals, documents, informational means and so on) was held, and a content analysis of the collected data was carried out.

Originality/value: The article discusses the current situation in occupied South Ossetia in terms of school education, the position of the Georgian side regarding the ban on the teaching of the Georgian language and history in schools, and the opinions of foreign experts. The work is of practical importance in terms of providing information and getting to know the current situation for people interested in the field of education, researchers, scientists and simply people who are not indifferent to the issue.


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Education Scientific