New approaches in school and family relations


  • Leila Sherozia Sokhumi State University



General education, School and Family, Relationships, Attitude, Parents and Teachers, Innovative Approaches


For many years, the majority of teachers held the belief that parents were incompetent. They deeply believed that it was necessary to correct parents, to point out mistakes and shortcomings, to control the family, as a result of which such forms and methods of communication were formed, which meant instructional mes­sa­ges at meetings and consultations (the dominance of the pedagogue's monologue), which caused negative consequences in the relationship between the teacher and parents.

In modern conditions, a different attitude is formed between school and family. This attitude is cooperation and interaction. The main point here is the per­so­nal interactions between teachers and parents during the learning period, which is related to the child's joys and problems, successes and failures.

Based on the method of content analysis, old and new approaches are analyzed in the paper and relevant conclusions are drawn in favor of innovative approaches.


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