Conceptosphere of Dariko Pipia's Poems


  • Tamila Zviadadze Sokhumi State University



Dariko Phiphia, Creation poems, conceptual sphere, the sun, symbol of eternity


The richness of a language is defined not only by its extensive vo­ca­bulary and grammatical capabilities but also by the diversity of its conceptual sphere. The conceptual sphere is formed by the set of concepts, which function as semantic units. This sphere corresponds to the mentality, which reflects a way of perceiving the world.

       This paper examines the poems of the Georgian poet Dariko Phiphia, published in her 2020 collection. The conceptual sphere of these poems stands out, cha­ra­c­te­rized by unique poetic structure, emotions, and the unity of feeling. The study of concepts provides insight into a person's mental world. In Dariko Phiphia’s poems, the concept of "the sun" frequently appears, functioning as a key element in expressing the central idea. The collection is titled Two Suns, where the sun do­mi­na­tes as a universal image and symbol of eternity. In Phiphia's work, the symbol of the sun carries numerous connotative meanings, including biblical, archetypal, myt­ho­lo­gical, astronomical, and poetic interpretations.


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Literary studies