Methodology of integrated teaching of Georgian language and literature. Motivation and its types


  • Levan Jinjikhadze Sokhumi State University



integrated learning, methodology, methodes-conceptio, methodes-means, motivation


In the introducory part the article, first of all, analyzes the importance of teaching-learning, talks about the fact that the teaching-learning process is especially active when it is directed to the student's research interests, and that the concept of teaching-learning includes didactic research, time distribution of teaching activities, teacher and student roles interdependence, determination of anticipatedoutcomes.

The focus is also on three levels of any science methodology: general methodology, specific methodology, and private methodology.

 Two types of teaching methods are presented, in a broad sense, the method-concept - a set of teaching ways and means, and teaching method in a narrow sense-the method involves the determined means of teacher-student interaction under the direct guidance of a teacher, directed at achieving educational, formative and didactic goals.

             Research part. Everyone knows that there are the following types of motivation: internal and external, but there is not a proper focus on other types of motivation, which is the objective our study. Hence, we have a positive and negative motivation, sustainable and unsustainable motivation, individual, group and cognitive ones.

Concluzion. Thus, as we can see, the students succesful learning acivaty as a whole is determined by both external andinternal motivation. Therefore, vhen planning the educational process, the teacher must take into account the motivation ofe the student, which will contribute to the expected success of the student. He should take care not only of the emergence and maintenance of internal motivation, but also of the inclusion of external motives.


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